Monday, November 7, 2022

Still Recovering from the Road

 Baton Rouge, LA

We are in Baton Rouge but this photo was taken in Florida.  More on this a bit later.

Starting Out Slow

Today we got up and made our coffee.  I started logging our drives in Travel Mapping and then we did a bit of settling in.  We are taking it slow.  In the past we have started out fast in the new location and ran out of steam near the end so this time we are starting out slow since we are already a bit tired from the road still and getting used to the 2 hour change.  We returned to Central Time a day before Daylight Saving Time.  We also made a shopping list and went to our local Rouses Market.  The rest of the day we explored the smart TV here and figured out we have HBO and Netflix.  We might have more but didn't get beyond Netflix once we found out we could watch The Great British Bake Off.  We do have a list of things to do here but for now we are content relaxing.

Our First State Park with Robots!

Last year I wrote to a few states to see if we could get a printed State Parks Guide.  I got a few in the mail and the best one was from Florida.  It is a magazine with all of the state parks on a map and then listed by region.  It lists all of the amenities at each park and also talks about why the park is worth going to and has great photos for each of the state parks.  At some point Donna and I spent some time going through it and picking out parks we wanted to visit.  One featured Audio Animatronics telling the story of how the Florida Constitution came together.  The park is called Constitution Convention Museum State Park.  You can't camp there so we made sure that we passed by on one of our drives and it was exactly what you would expect from a state park built in 1955 featuring robots built with public funds.

The museum sits in a park on the site of the Florida Constitution Convention.

I am pretty sure all of the signage is done by hand and it looks really retro, because it is.

Look at that font!

Halfway through the museum there is a place to look out into the park.  It is a really cool building.

They had some gender based items on display too.  Sorry men, you are all just too masculine for this stuff!

I have mentioned before that videos in blogger are not great but I wanted to show some janky video of the robots and we need the audio.  (well the videos didn't work so you get short gifs of the limited animation I did capture.

"You can tell I'm talking because my hand is moving a little"

We are the robots!

I didn't do a very good job of capturing the splendor but hopefully you get the idea.

This museum is way out of the way unless you are trying to get to Bay or Gulf County FL.  It's only $2 and worth the stop if you are in the area.  Expect to spend less than an hour reading the history and basking in the 1955 robot technology.  

That's it for today.  We will get moving in Baton Rouge at some point. If you missed yesterday's post you can find it here.  If you want to see all of the blog posts in order on a made for mobile page you can check them out here.

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