Friday, June 28, 2024

Minnesota Landscape Arboretum and A Pick-Up Pinball Tournament

 Minneapolis, MN

Heron Art Selfie!  Fun Fact, you can buy this heron statue for $25,000.  I'm just gonna go find a cash machine.

The Minnesota Landscape Arboretum

Today we drove out to Carver County MN to visit The Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.  We used our Arboretum Reciprocal Pass to get in.  It's an amazing place and we will come here more because on the way out we became members.  We paid a bit extra for the membership here rather than just renewing our reciprocal pass at Descanso Gardens, but it will be worth it.  There is so much to do here.

We saved a tree.

The cactus area did not succ-ulent. 

What up party people that like Botanic Gardens?

There were many tiny frogs or toads that we didn't step on.

Donna spotted this fungus we have yet to identify.

It's pretty easy being green!

We stopped by the cafe and split a sandwich and a salad and then went back for chocolate cake.  On the way out we bought our membership and then got to see some awesome art.  Adam Turman is a local artist that focuses on nature with a pop culture reference hidden in his paintings.  They are awesome!  

Some of the references aren't so hidden.

Some take a moment to notice.

Pick-up Pinball

Later that day we walked over to LITT Pinball to play in their Pick-Up Pinball "Tournament".  It isn't an IFPA sanctioned tournament, but it was really fun. The format is sort of a Master and Apprentice thing.  I think they call it Teacher and Learner.  You tell them if you are a teacher or a learner and then you are paired with another person.  Donna and I signed up to be Learners.  We aren't as new as some, but we don't know all of the rules to all of the machines at LITT.  We all met at 6:30 and Donna and I were paired with 2 Teacher players.  It was a really beautiful day today so only 8 people showed up.  This meant that there were two teams of 4 players.  Each team would play 5 games.  As we played the teachers taught us the rules, and at the end of each game we would add up all of our scores to create 1 giant score per game.  The other team did the same and at the end of the 5 rounds, the team that won the most rounds was the winner.  We were told they give out prizes for the top 3 teams and there were only 2 teams so the possibility of a prize was looking good.

We got to learn Jersey Jack's Pirates of the Caribbean Limited Edition.  It's a rare machine.

It was a really fun casual format that, I am sure, creates new players in the community.  We ended up winning the tournament and we got much bigger prizes than we thought.  We both got $25 gift certificates to a Venn Brewing and $25 gift certificates to Bryant-Lake Bowl.  That's $100 in gift certificates for entering and winning a free tournament that helped us become better players!  AMAZING!
Keep an eye out for 2 up coming posts using our gift certificates!

That's it for today.  If you missed, Getting Settled Ain't Easy, check it out.

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