Friday, June 28, 2024

Getting Settled Ain't Easy

 Minneapolis, MN

On Saturday we visited The Farmer's Market and stopped by the beer garden at Unleashed Hounds and Hops

Marking Things Off The To Do List

On June 6th we rolled into Minneapolis with a giant list of things we needed to do to get settled.  It's been about a month and our list of things to do is getting shorter.  I don't know how people with jobs do it all.

Here is what we have accomplished so far;
- Rented a moving van and unloaded our storage unit and moved all of the stuff into our apartment
- Unpacked and set up our apartment to about 90% complete
- Registered our car in Minnesota and got our plates
- Went to the optometrist for a new prescription
- Signed up for MN Health Insurance and cancelled our WA Insurance
- Bought a Lazy-Boy Couch off Craigslist because our apartment is BIG
- Sold some stuff on Craigslist because we don't' need it.
- Set up our free Xfinity Cable TV
- Played in 7 pinball tournaments (yea this isn't necessary for some people)
- Donated a bunch of stuff we no longer need to Goodwill (yea they aren't the best charity but...)
- Changed our address 
- Fixed the air-conditioning in the van

Things we still need to do;
- Get our MN Driver's Licenses, I needed new glasses before tackling the eye test
- Get library cards
- Register to vote (you have to be a resident for 20 days)
- Get a Trailer Hitch (Why you ask?  You will find out soon!)
- Sign up for a local pinball league, it starts Tuesday
- Swap our Auto Insurance to MN
- Get our home telephone set up (just kidding, no one does that anymore)
- Finish setting up the guest room for a visitor coming early July

We opted for the specialty "Critical Habitat" plate because it has a loon on it!

We opted for this nice (after 2 hours of cleaning) couch off Craigslist.  It's in great shape and very comfortable.

Now we have enough seating to host guests which will happen once we are fully settled.

We still have some stuff to put on the walls once we have a place for everything

We have a place for half of our CDs and our Tiki Shelf is set up.  You can see we still have some stuff to sort through but we are mostly there.

Our kitchen comes with these cool 70s cupboards that we can use to showcase our barware.

And glassware collection.

All of our DVDs fit in the 2nd bedroom built in.

Our stuff to hang on the walls is still kind of thrown around but we will get those sorted soon.

We have also taken time to enjoy Minneapolis in the late spring and early summer.  It hasn't been all work work work.

We walked a mile to the Minneapolis Farmer's Market and it was AWESOME!

We didn't get anything from this vendor because they test their products on animals.

Green Onions!

Day drinking encouraged!

We had a good haul from the farmer's market

We also had our first Tornado Watch.  I am told this was early and they are usually in September.

So yea we have been busy, but it's been fun too.  Our calendar is chock full of events coming up like The Olympic Gymnastic Trials, Pride, and Promenade du Nord ,which is a street festival with food and other stuff on the mall that starts about a block away from us.

We are also right across the street from the convention center.  

That's it for today.  If you missed, A Pinball Tournament With No Power, check it out.  

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