Sunday, March 5, 2023

Chili and Beer in Tennessee

 Nashville, TN

My Beer and a Bowl of Venison Chili

Chili Cookoff!

Today we went to Memphis Made Brewing for a Chili Cookoff charity event.  The event supported Peabody Elementary school and it seemed like a success.  We arrived just after it opened and found seats and settled in for our 4 samples and a bowl for $10.  Some of the sample givers weren't stamping our cards so we got a few more than 4 samples.  After you were done you got to vote on your favorite.  We both voted for the Venison Chili.  Most of the chilis were really good but the venison was really unique for us because we don't eat deer very often or ever.  Also I just learned that venison comes from the Latin word venatus, to hunt.  The More You Know!

Francis enjoyed the day

The evidence, an empty sample cup and our 2 cards just before we wrote our favorite chili on the back.

We kept it simple for today so that is pretty much all we did.  If you missed yesterday's post about The Crosstown Concourse you can find it here.

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