Monday, October 24, 2022

Magnolia Springs State Park GA

Magnolia Springs State Park GA

The Long Shadows of Fall

On The Road

One of our camping spots this week was Magnolia Springs State Park in Georgia.  It was a really nice park with great hiking trails.  Now that we are in The South, we have to start watching out for Gators, Snakes, and giant spiders.  So far we have only seen the Giant Spiders.  I couldn't get a good photo of it but the body was like an inch long and with the legs it was about 4 inches. It's called a Golden Silk Orb-weaver.  I assume this will just get more and more common as we head south.  

The Coffee Ritual

This is the very pretty natural spring at Magnolia Springs.

Just a quick post from the road.  That's it for today.  If you missed yesterday's post you can find it here.

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