Sunday, October 23, 2022

An Evening in Savanna GA

 Savannah, GA

Selfie with The Savannah River behind us

Savannah, GA

This morning we did the short 1.5 hour drive from Magnolia Springs State Park to our Embassy Suites Hotel in Savanah Georgia.  We arrived a little after noon and check in is at 3pm so we checked to see if we could at least park if a room wasn't ready but happily there was a room waiting for us and we were able to get checked in really early. Shortly we were walking to downtown Savannah to check out the scene.  

Savannah is amazing!  The downtown was hopping with people, dogs and drinks.  There are tons of places to eat and the vibe is great.  If you saw yesterday's post I talked about the whole downtown area being open container friendly.  When you order a beer they ask if you want it for here or to go.  If you choose to go they give you a plastic cup.  We swung by Moon River Brewing to have a pint and check out the dogs in costume.  We hit a great weekend to be here with Francis because Wag-a-ween is going on.  Downtown is packed with people and their dogs in costumes.  

Cool Neon Sign

Open containers allowed with organic drink holders!

Octoberfest is still going strong down here

Doggo wants to attack water!

Poe continues to stalk us.

New Brewery!

No Doubt Tribute Band!

After checking out downtown we headed back to the room to drop off Francis and clean up. We headed to The Bamboo Room to check off Tiki in Georgia.  It's located above Sorry Charlies Oyster House so you have to go in and find the elevator.

That's it for today.  Tomorrow we pack up and get closer to Florida.  We still have one more stay in Georgia.  If you missed yesterday's post you can see it here.

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