Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Fort Worth, TX and Tarrant County Part 2 This Time It's Arlington!

Arlington, TX

4 Kahunas Tiki Lounge

Tiki in Texas Take 2

After our Ramen lunch we drove to Arlington, TX to visit 4 Kahunas Tiki Lounge.  While I was taking photos of the front a man in a Tiki shirt walked in so I figured it was a good omen.  We got there about 45 mins after it opened.  I had read it wasn't overly crowded on a Sunday and they were right.  We were seated at a booth.  The bar was filled with people in Tiki attire.  This isn't an unusual thing but it did seem like more people were dressed up than I would have expected.  Donna looked for a moment and then said, "Ah, that's a Tiki meet up!"  Soon a server was there to take our order.  Sharon and Erika asked about mocktails and they said they could make drinks for any flavor profile so they went over the juices that they like.  Donna and I stuck to the menu. 

They have a patio out front for when it isn't 10000000 degrees

The aforementioned man in a Tiki shirt

I haven't been to very many Tiki Bars with a Neon sign.

They too had merch

They had great animated lighting like Darrin's bar

The bar was hopping!  Donna was right, it was a monthly Tiki Meet Up (more on that later)

When we were seated a dog ran and jumped into our laps.  You can see everyone is a bit starteled.

He was a kind dog.  This is the best photo we have of him with me.

More of the bar and the meet up.

I liked the carved birds in this lamp.

Another Skateboard Deck

Chugging Monkey

Since it was Erika and Sharon's first Tiki experience, I made sure my first drink was on fire.

And I posed with it.

Sometimes the bathrooms are decorated.  This one had shared strip mall bathrooms so they were not.  They did have this plaque on the door when you came back.

My 2nd drink was a Cobra Fang.  Complete with an Orange Peel Cobra Garnish

I posed with this one too

Another photo of the chugging monkey

Shrunken Head Lamp

As we were finishing our drinks, a young lady from the meet up came over and introduced herself and asked if we were with the meetup as she pointed to my Tiki shirt.  We said that it was a happy coincidence and that we just happened to be visiting.  She told us about their group, Texas Tikiphiles,  and how they meet up monthly.  Last month they went to Swizzle, you can read about my trip here, and next month they are going to Tarantula Tiki Lounge which wasn't even on my radar.  She asked about us and we told her all about our trip and our checklist items including visiting Tiki Bars.  She was very interested.  We had a good chat and then she returned to her group.  By this time about half of the group had left.  There were about 4 left and you could tell that they were friends as well as a part of the group.  On our way out they called me over to talk about our US Tiki Tour.  I explained that Tiki was just some of our checklist items and told them all about our travel goals.  They gave me some really good Fort Worth area tips that I hope to use next time we are in the area.  We also talked about some of the Tiki Bars we had all been to and they knew the up and coming Tiki Bars that were on our list to visit.  At the end of the talk we exchanged Insta info and they asked if I was documenting the trip so I gave them the blog into too.  If y'all are ready this, it was very nice meeting you all and I hope to see you at future Tiki stops.  I am going to follow along on their Insta as well as keep tracks of their Facebook page.

County Progress

Since Tarrant County was a new county for us I figured I would show our county progress.  

We have made a dent in Texas.  We will get 2 more counties on the way out and then we will be back in January to get some southern counties.

Here is our US progress.  It looks pretty much the same but on Saturday we begin to head north again so things are going to change!  We are excited for our up coming road trip.

If you haven't read Part 1, check it out here.

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