Monday, July 25, 2022

Fort Worth, TX and Tarrant County Part 1

 Fort Worth, TX

Museum Selfie!

The Modern Fort Worth

Today we used our NARM Pass to visit The Modern Fort Worth. We invited Sharon and Erika to join us and they both wanted to go and Sharon was nice enough to drive.  The Modern is in Fort Worth and Fort Worth is in Tarrant County which is a new county for us.  It was half price day for everyone else at the museum so we were worried that it might be crowded.  We pulled up and found free parking right away and noticed that the crowds were light so art museums are the way to go until school starts again.  If you haven't read past posts, we have gone to 2 science museums and they were both packed with kids so we wrote all science museums off until the fall.

We began exploring the museum once we had our tickets.  The building is a fantastic Brutalist building.  There were all kinds of nooks and crannies to explore.  We all noted that the museum was built for exploring and not pathing through like an Ikea.  Soon we were all separated looking at art on our own and meeting up periodically to tell one another about a cool piece we saw in another room.

This sculpture, called Vortex, is in front of the museum's entrance.

You can read about it here.

You can go inside and the echo it creates is really cool.

A painting by Kehinde Wiley.  We have seen his work at the Belleview Museum of Art in WA.

A work by Vernon Fisher called Private Africa

This piece by Jenny Holzer took up an entire nook, or maybe cranny.  

White Deer by Susan Rothenberg

Untitled by Donald Judd

I loved this creepy ladder and the shadows it cast.  It's called "Ladder for Booker T. Washington" by Martin Puryear.

This one was just titled, "Exit" and I didn't see who it was by

It's hard to see this Robert Erwin piece in photo form.

I have officially lost count of how many museums we have see Warhol in.

This giant impressive piece by Takashi Murakami took up an entire wall.  I wanted the museum to install a time lapse camera taking photos of everyone taking selfies with the painting.

Including me!

It was awesome seeing work by Edward Ruscha.

Erik Parker's Disconnected

This piece was set in it's own cool round room.  Another nook or cranny, if you will.

Cornelia Parker's Rorschach (Endless Column I)

Moving on to the 2nd floor

Donna and I found another nook with Warhol in it.  If I lived in Fort Worth I would go and sit there all day probably.


You could look down on the lobby from the seating area we found

More of the lobby from the place I could sit all day

There was a whole room of Sean Scully works and we had it to ourselves.  Quite the contrast to our Science Museum experiences on this trip.

I took this so I could say, "I give this museum two thumbs up!"

The temporary exhibit was called, "Women Painting Women".

Women in a Red Dress by Faith Ringgold

This was a close up of an image I found a bit disturbing.  

These images were really large and they looked down at you.  Strategy by Jenny Saville

Actual image from Donna and I camping. Not really, this is Weenie Roast Wrestlers by Jenna Gribbon

This image by Lisa Brice reminded me of Arrested Development

Get a Job by Rita Ackermann in 1993

A Little Taste of Outside Love by Mickalene Thomas

This painting by Tracey Emin got my attention

A close up of The Fencers by Claire Tabouret

Swimming, Smoking, Crying by Dana Schutz

Ania Hobson’s Two Girls in a Bar

After the Women Painting Women exhibit we walked the nook and crannies and found more cool art.
A piece or pieces by Ulrich Rückriem

Another one of my closeups of a painting

Black Darkness by Lorna Simpson

Pharmaceutical Cabinet by Bror Utter, part of their Fort Worth artist collection

The Celebrity by Cynthia Brants, another Fort Worth artist 

Another Fort Worth piece by Charles T. Williams

I really liked this piece by Dan Flavin

It lit up the back hallway that led to a cool stairway

At the end of our visit we ventured outside to see a few more works.

Clean Slate by Kaws

More skateboards in museums.  This time they were in the gift shop

The café looked cool but it was expensive and we already had lunch plans

Sharon and Erika looking at horse art.  It's hard to see in this image


After the museum visit we did the .2 mile drive to Hanabi Ramen.  It's been a while since we have had Ramen and it was like 102 degrees so the perfect day for it.

A cool van in the Ramen parking lot

They had cool Japanese Beer posters in the hallway to the restroom

My Ramen was good.  The broth was great but the egg and pork were a little overcooked.

That's a lot of adventure but there is still more to tell.  Check back tomorrow for Part 2 of Forth Worth, TX and Tarrant County!

If you didn't read about yesterday's adventure you can check it out here.  I am adding a bonus image from yesterday that wasn't included in the blog post.

The stuff of nightmares in Downtown McKinney!

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