Friday, April 22, 2022

Looking Back - 4/15/2022 MacKerricher SP CA to Portola Redwoods SP CA

  Road Trip MacKerricher State Park CA to Portola Redwoods State Park CA

This morning we woke up refreshed again.  It will still dry so everything was in good shape.  I made coffee and we ate the last of our Raisin Bran.

Yep we do this every morning and I take a photo every morning

After breakfast we packed up and hit the road.  The drive was predicted to be 6 hours so we didn't want to dilly dally.  We had a somewhat twisty drive back to US 101 but then it was smooth sailing.  Donna suggested that we stop by Russian River Brewing Company to pick up some to go beer.  That sounded like a great idea so she started looking at directions.  While looking she asked about Henhouse Brewing and I said we should go there instead.  It was close to the freeway, they have great beers, and we had never been there before.  

Their outdoor singe isn't very impressive

They only had beer to go until 4pm.  There are only
enough parking spaces for the brewing staff
so they open parking up to onsite visitors after the staff leaves.

Cool art on the walls

And more cool art

We grabbed a 4 pack of Camden Eclipse Double IPA and got back on the road.  Our rout took us over The Golden Gate Bridge and through San Francisco,  We have 10 years of history in SF so it brought back great memories and we whished we had time to stop.

San Francisco, open your Golden Gate...

After passing through SF, the drive took us to Sand Hill Road where we exited the freeway.  If we had made a left we could have gone to Stanford University and then swung by Redpoint Ventures gotten some venture capital investment for this blog, but we made a right instead and passed through giant estates just outside of Silicon Valley on our way to Portola Redwoods State Park.

The road leading into Portola Redwoods State Park is very narrow and twisty.  The speed limit is 15 miles an hour and in some points there is only enough room for 1 car to get by.  The turns were blind at points so we were glad we didn't run into any other cars and we were also glad it wasn't raining.  

We got to the park and checked in.  We headed to our campsite and it turns out the parking pad was very unlevel.  It had a steep grade and was slanted to the left.  This wasn't going to work for us because we sleep in the van so we walked back and asked for another site.  We had 2 in mind and one of those 2 was available so we swapped.  

The sun was out at Portola Redwoods

After setting up camp we went on to Step 2.  

Step 2 of camping setup

Using Redwood Trees as power line poles

Trillium!  Sadly no flowers

We made Shanghai Rice Cake Sir Fry with Greens for dinner.  It's a seriously awesome and easy meal for camping.  

Donna testing the rice cakes for doneness 

After dinner we settled in and then went to bed pretty early.  When we are camping we tend to get up with the sun and go to bed with the sun.  We get a lot of sleep this time of year.  

Bonus Content!  (aren't you lucky)

Portola Redwood State Park is a prime nesting site for the Marbled Murrelet.  They nest in the tops of tall Redwood Trees and then spend most of their lives in and on the ocean.  They are in major decline due to habitat loss and predation.  They only lay 1 egg a year and the eggs are susceptible to predation by Ravens and Stellar's Jays.  The park asks that you leave no food scraps and be very careful to not leave anything around that will attract those birds to the area.  When you get to the ranger station they walk you through what needs to happen and make you sign paperwork saying you will obey the rules.  I hope it makes a difference and the Murrelets make a comeback.

Learn a bit more here 

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