Thursday, January 18, 2024

Ramen, Tiki, and KISS

 Las Vegas, NV

Ramen Sora, so good!


Today we each bought a month bus pass so we can ride the bus around.  The bus system is pretty good here.  We took our first ride across town to Chinatown and went to Ramen Sora for lunch.  It's our favorite Ramen place in the areas.  

Our bus selfie

This is our neighborhood sign

Our first transfer was right near The Sphere

This is either a mug shot or a proof of life kidnapping shot.  Not sure which one it is.

After ramen we took a short walk to our next destination

Golden Tiki

our next stop was Golden Tiki.  It's one of our favorite Tiki Bars.  I knew we would be visiting during this trip but our visit came earlier than expected.  

The entrance to Golden Tiki is as fancy as a strip mall entrance can be.

Once inside, you're treated to a tropical oasis.

  • My drink was on FIRE!  Literally!
They make shrunken heads for famous people.

This is Blondie's Debby Harry's Shrunken Head


They have travel posters posted outside.  

It was a nice stop and I am sure we will be back this trip.  

KISS Mini Golf

After Golden Tike we walked over to The Rio.  The weather is perfect for walking so we are opting to walk when it makes sense.  We were contacted by some friends last night saying they were in town for a board game tournament so we set up to meet them at The Rio (where the tournament will be) and play some KISS Golf.  The Rio has seen better days but it was recently bought and is undergoing a huge renovation.  

I should rent a table cloth...

There was a "Tiki" bar that wasn't open.

This is the "Tiki" bar

You can still see the tracks on the ceiling that used to support the hanging Marti Gras Parade.

I'm not a huge KISS fan or even a KISS fan so we didn't pay for the museum.

I am a Huge Mini Golf fan so we played Mini Golf.

The competition was intense.  We all had our game faces on.

My game face looks a bit like Peter Criss'.  I had to look up who the Kitten Faced Kiss guy was.

Donna and I took a selfie with Gene.  I was going to take a few more photos but we had already backed up the course enough.

It was a lot of fun meeting up with and catching up with our friends.  After golfing we wished them luck in the tournament and took a Lyft home.  Francis was getting very hungry.

That's it for today.  If you missed Revisiting Some Favorite Places Here, check it out.

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