Saturday, October 21, 2023

Pinball and More Cooking

 Albuquerque, NM

Francis and I enjoying the comfy couch

Pinball and Boxing Bear Brewing

This morning Donna and I headed to Sister Bar to play some pinball.  It opens at 11am on Friday so we could get there early and play without crowds.  We got there at around noon and it wasn't open.  We aren't sure what happened but there was another confused person out front along with us.  We decided to punt on going to Sisters and headed down the street to Boxing Bear Brewing.  We had planned on going there at some point anyway so it was a great pivot.  

We drove about a mile on Historic Route 66 and found street parking.  When we arrived we were the only ones there which is fine with us.  The machines played great, the beer was great, and the guy working there was friendly and attentive.  It was a good stop.

They had some nice solid state machines.

We left with a mixed 4 pack and split one while we cooked dinner.  This beer gets an A+ for its name.

More Cooking

We have been working our way through New Mexican recipes.  We made a ton of green chili sauce and put the last bit on some breakfast burritos.

We also made some pozole which turned out okay.  We might have gotten some wrong ingredients.  We are going to take another shot at it with a different cooking method.


Some fine cinema during dinner

The other meal we made with the chili sauce was a pork stew.  It was fantastic.

That's it for today.  If you missed Settled in Albuquerque, check it out.

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