Tuesday, September 19, 2023

The Denver Zoo

 Denver, CO

The Denver Zoo

Today we took our 2nd shot at the Denver Zoo and it was much better.  There were parking spots and everything!  We arrived right at 10am when they opened and bought our tickets at the automated ticket machine.  When the tickets spat out we all (4 of us) noticed that the time slot for the ticket was 2pm.  Oh no!  Turns out this is left over from The COVID times and they ignore the entry time on the ticket so we were in!

We got to see the Penguin feeding right away so things were looking great!  The handlers were feeding the Penguins, not us.

After the Penguins we went to the Sting Ray feeding tank.  This is one of Donna's favorite things to do.  The Sting Rays were very happy to see her and her bit of fish.

You stick it between your fingers and the String Rays gently glide by and suck the fish out of your hand.

We also got to watch the Giraffes for a bit.  They were pretty active.

Sadly the new Flamingo enclosure is behind schedule so no Flamingos here.

This café was opened on schedule and they wanted to show off their success by keeping the Grand Opening sign up well beyond the Grand Opening Date.

We did find Flamingos elsewhere but they were made out of Legos.  

The Reptile and Amphibian area had some cool reptiles and amphibians including this terrifying Central American Jumping Pit Viper.  Those are words that when strung together in that order make some sort of crazy killing and biting machine. 

I didn't take many photos of the snakes because they would all turn out like this one.  

The Komodo Dragon was having a bad case of the Mondays.

Sadly this space was closed.  It looked really inviting.

Donna caught me in my natural habitat.

I wonder if they would give us this van for our travels.  We could advertise for the zoo all over North America.

I'm still a big Animal Crossing fan so I saw this sign and had to take a photo with it.

The pool was drained and ready for skating but none of the animals were taking advantage of the opportunity.

That's better!

There was another Human Enclosure that I took advantage of.

We got to spin the Hippo tail.  The Hippo spreads its poop far and wide with its tail as seen in this hilarious Ze Frank video.

We didn't get to see the new Baby Orangutan.  The mama was being really protective.  Here is a video from the zoo.

I wish I could have gotten a photo of the turtle on its back but it was regular side up when we saw it.

After the zoo we drove to Sakura Ramen for lunch.  It's a small operation and they had a very large to go order so we had to wait a bit.  We had good conversation with our fiends while we waited and then had good Ramen when the food came.

This is what Ramen Anticipation looks like.

This is what Ramen looks like.

That was it for today.  Our friends fly back to Seattle tomorrow morning so we will have to find our own fun.  There is still plenty to do in Denver and plenty of friends to hang out with.  If you missed A Science Museum and a Distillery Fundraiser, check it out.

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