Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Old School Meat

 Winnipeg, MB

More Canada Beef!

Rae & Jerry's Steakhouse

Tonight we made reservations for Rae and Jerry's Steakhouse.  We drove by it last week and it looked cool so we did some research and decided to visit. Rae & Jerry's opened in 1957 and has been serving up prime rib and steaks ever since.  We got there at 4:30 to avoid any potential rush.  When we arrived there was one other table of people but we heard the waitress say it filled up at 6:30 for Senior night so we were glad we got there early.  As we ate the tables filled with Seniors and we heard a group of 7 men talking about "heading south" mid October.  Some of them were going to Palm Springs to golf for the winter, some to Vegas, and some just South with no place specific mentioned.  

We also overheard an interesting conversation that aligned with what Donna has been reading in the paper. Winnipeg isn't the most desirable city in Canada and the conservative party has been slashing the healthcare budget so Winnipeg can't pay enough to attract medical workers to live and work here.  One of the men talked about going to Cincinnati to get knee surgery.  The Canadian Insurance pays for it because of the doctor shortage here in Manitoba.  

The building is listed as a Midcentury Modern destination and has changed little since opening.
If we were staying longer we probably would revisit to see the lounge.

The soon to be full dining room.  That table closest to us was the table that filled up with the older men talking about golf and knee surgery.

Donna looks at the drink menu to see which cocktail will accompany her giant piece of beef.

Good advice but we didn't choose The Moscow Mule

They cocktail list was a deep dive into the classics with some cocktails we hadn't heard of.  The menu is also very specific about how much alcohol is in each cocktail which is good in my opinion.

I chose the Harvey Wallbanger because I have never had it and never seen it on a menu (I wasn't drinking cocktails in the 70s) and Donna chose a Rusty Nail because you rarely see those on a menu.  It's not that those drinks are hard to make it's just that we don't have the proper ingredients and a modern bartender may not know the proper ratios.

The menu isn't an ala cart sort of menu.  If you order a steak you get sides and a starter.  Your starter option is soup or a tomato juice.  Not sure how this started but I got the tomato juice and it came with Worcestershire sauce.

We both got the BIG one that came with the rib bone.  We will have a great leftover breakfast and probably leftover lunch tomorrow.

It was a fun meal.  I do love an old school steakhouse.  We used to frequent House of Prime Rib and Harris' in San Francisco.  The meal was incredibly reasonable when converted to USD.  

That was it for today.  On Wednesday we do a bit of shopping for the road trip and then Thursday is packing day.  On Friday we take 3 days to drive to Denver with camping in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska. If you missed More BDI Ice Cream & Leo Mol Sculpture Garden you can read it via the link.

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