Friday, September 15, 2023

Denver Art Museum

 Denver, CO

Art in the Mile High City

Today we walked over to the Denver Art Museum.  We didn't visit it last time we were here so it was high on our list this time.  It's a great museum.  The building and surrounding areas are beautiful.

Untitled - Mona Hatoum
Mona Hatoum transforms everyday objects into unexpected and even dangerous versions that evoke conflicting emotions of desire and revulsion, fear, and fascination. Her wheelchair has four small wheels and a smooth, unpadded seat that would tilt its occupant uncomfortably forward. The small wheels demand a second person to push the chair, but the handles have been sharpened like a serrated knife so that the grips punish anyone tasked with the job.

Untitled (It's Our Pleasure to Disgust You) - Barbara Kruger

Better Homes, Better Gardens - Kerry James Marshall
We have seen Kerry James Marshall at a few museums now.  I really like his work

We were promised a sculpture garden on the balcony but there wasn't much out there.

Untitled - Deborah Remington

The Beginning - Sonia Gechtoff

Bullfight - Elaine de Kooning

Icicle Drawing - Andy Goldsworthy
Melted Icicle and earth on paper

 Donna Poses with Warka 1 - Frank Stella

LS 71 - Vasa Velizar Mihich

Untitled - Dan Flavin

Two Sisters - Henry Matisse
Over Exposed - Martin Maloney

Mask Series No. 10 - Zeng Fanzhi

The Bloom of the Corpse Flower - Simphiwe Ndzube

Looking down to the bottom floor made the museum building look like an M.C. Escher lithograph.

This "Lowrider" culture exhibit started in Phoenix

I am starting to see Skateboard Decks in museums more and more.

Donna tried her hand at fingerboarding

One the way to the café I was stopped by a painting I saw and wanted to double check what I thought was the artist.  Apparently others think it's the artist as well but I guess there isn't proof.

The Black Piano - Attributed to John Singer Sargent

After lunch in the café we had our second wind and explored more of the museum.  It's one we don't get in for free so we really wanted to see as much as we could.

The museum had a whole section dedicated to art influenced by The West (The West being the western US).  It was really cool seeing all of the art displayed together.

Black Bears - William Herbert Dunton

New Mexico - Thomas Hart Benton

Houses in Victor - Paul K. Smith

Green Center Over the Horizon - Herbert Bayer

The American Indian - Andy Warhol

Longs Peak and Flatirons - Tracy Felix

Constellation Straight Out - Leon Polk Smith

The top floor offered some great views of downtown

And we finally found that outdoor balcony we were looking for.

On the way back down to the gift shop we passed through a few other galleries that we didn't have the energy to explore but I did catch one painting I know well.

Summer - Giuseppe Arcimboldo
I know this painting as Jolly Painting in Animal Crossing.

Waterloo Bridge, Sunlight Effect - Claude Monet

Spring at Eragny - Camille Pissarro

The celebration of Skate Culture carried over to the gift shop where they were selling sneakers

and Skateboard decks

Big Sweep - Coosje van Bruggen and Claes Oldenburg

That was it for today.  If you missed Hammond's Candy Factory Tour, check it out.  We got some free candy and we bought some candy too.

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