Thursday, August 17, 2023

Day 7 of Folklorama - Punjab

 Winnipeg, MB

The Punjab Pavilion

This evening we went to our 7th Folklorama pavilion.  The Punjab Pavilion was located at the Punjab Cultural Center.  It was windy and raining so we tried to time it so we would get there after the doors opened but before it was packed and it worked out for us.

They were selling a lot of colourful clothing.

You could get a Turban.  We didn't because we did this in Seattle already.

We got 2 apps and a dessert for our snacking pleasure.  

The food was the best food of Folklorama for us.  It was all very good.

As the show started I realized I was seated behind the biggest head in Manitoba.  I don't know how I got so lucky.

The show consisted of a lot of dancing and bright coloured clothing.  

On the way out I posed in the, what I assume was, children's photo booth.  

It was a fun festival.  We couldn't really hear the announcer talk about the dances because everyone around us was catching up.  I think most of the people there were there to eat and talk to each other.

Earlier in the day I went to Sk8 Skates to play a few games of Bram Stoker's Dracula pinball.  There are far fewer pinball machines within walking distance here.  Over the past 4 months walkable pinball has become important to me so that's something we think about when we decide to settle in for more than a month.  Luckily Denver and Phoenix look pretty good for pinball coming up.

That's it for today.  If you missed Day 6 of Folklorama - canadien-français, check it out.  We got giant ice creams before the show.  

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