Friday, August 11, 2023

Day 1 of Folklorama - Brazil

 Winnipeg, MB

Having fun at Folklorama - Brazil!


So today we started our 10 days of Folklorama.  Folklorama consists of 2 weeks of festivals celebrating some of the different cultures you find in Canada.  Each night there are a selection of festivals you can go to which, after seeing one, consist of food, drink, snacks, souvenirs, and a show. You buy a ticket for $7 CAD and have an entry time.  We chose all 6:45pm shows so you go in at 6pm, get settled, and the show starts at 6:45 and then you leave when it is over so the next group can come in.  It is a very unique format.  We had a hard time understanding what to expect until we did one and then we were like, "Oh, it's dinner and a show" except you buy the dinner separately.   We each bought a 10 pack of tickets online to save a little bit of money and registered for the 10 most interesting ones we saw.  We will attend a different one each night for nine more nights.

The Brazilian Festival was held at The Convention Centre (the re makes it fancy).  We had to wander around a bit until we found signs.  It was really meant for people to drive in and for those people to already know where they were going.

We got there at 6:10 just 10 minutes after the doors opened and the line for food was already wrapped around the building.  We decided to skip on the food when we saw there were only 4 people (probably volunteers) serving 100s of people.  We watched the food line last well into the start of the show.

For some reason the drink line was very short so we got 2 drinks with Cachaça.
On a side note, we weren't sure if the coffee was full Brazilian or not.  We didn't try it so we never found out.

Limeade and Cachaça

Pineapple and Mint with Cachaça

We also bought some snacks instead of waiting in the long line. The nut bar on the left was fantastic.  The peanut shaped puffed treats tasted a lot like air with a slight hint of butter.  Their greatest trait was the fact that they were in front of us.  We tried to give them to our neighbors after eating some.  They each tried one and said thank you and left them there.

We sat pretty far from the stage which was fine.

When the show started there was a drum line that started in the back of the event hall so everyone got a close look as they worked their way to the stage.

It took a while, but a Brazilian Break Dance Fight finally broke out and someone fully took their shirt off.  

On the way out I took this photo of Donna sitting in one of the cool chairs located in the common areas of the convention centre.

More Canada Food Observations

After the show we stopped by a nearby grocery store for some supplies.  We needed cheese and sour cream so we could make "Brazilian Nachos" (we called them that to keep the theme going).  

We bought some foot long cheese or is it 30.48cm?  I guess it just depends on the mood at the moment.

We got the Crème Sure for sure.

I also never thought stating the fat content in half and half.  Interesting.

A Walk

Earlier in the day we took Francis for a walk.  The goal was to walk onto the footbridge that crosses The Red River.  I also included some photos on our walk to Folklorama.

There is a nice trail along the river that many people use.

We saw quite a few Canada Geese.  I think they just call them Geese in Canada.

The walk to the Convention Centre took us along Route 85 for a bit.

We walked by the arena where The Winnipeg Jets play hockey.  These are the new Jets and not the old Jets which are now the Phoenix Arizona Coyotes.

A sign for The Ministry of Normal Walks.

They call their Parking Garages Parkades.  How many jokes does this make you think of?
Is there a Parkade at the Arcade?
"Parkade  —  Butter!"

That's it for today.  Tune in tomorrow for Folklorama India!  If you missed Canada, Caught Between Metric and Imperial Measurements check it out.  Canada is conflicted.

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