Thursday, November 17, 2022

Barks and Brews

 Baton Rouge, LA

Raising Cane's Dog Park

Today we took Francis out to get some exercise.  We went to The Raising Cane's Dog Park at City-Brooks Community Park.  Raising Cane's is the local and now the regional and even international go to place to buy chicken fingers.  It has expanded out of the US and is now serving up chicken fingers in Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and United Arab Emirates.  At one point I was buying southern food at a local grocery store hot bar and the checker was chatting with me.  She figured out I was visiting so I asked her if there was any place we should eat at and she said, "Ya'll been to Cain's?"  Now every time we drive by one we say that.  Maybe we will try it.  

Anyway,  Francis had a great time at the dog park getting mobbed by 2 dogs.  It was a rougher play date than Francis has had in a while.  

Francis showing the poodle puppy who is in charge.  When he pulls out his teeth he can look really mean.

The Boston Terrier was full of energy and a bit much for Francis but he held his own.

We finally found a place of solitude for Francis and he sniffed the grass and did a little running.

Like all of the parks, this one is full of giant beautiful Live Oaks.

Tin Roof Brewing

After the dog park we took Francis to Tin Roof Brewing.  We stopped in for a pint and had a good conversation with the bar tender.  She had moved from Boise 2 years prior so was still soaking up Baton Rouge.  When we told her we were here for a month she said, "Why? What about New Orleans?"  We told her we were going there for a month too and that made her happy.  The beer was great and Francis drew in all of the employees.  They came to pet him so they had to talk to us.  

When we left we grabbed 2 4 packs that weren't on tap.  They were the cheapest beers we have bought in a long time.  One was $5 and the other was $6.

That's it for today.  If you missed yesterday's post you can find it here.  I learned all about the Louisiana State Flag.

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