Sunday, July 10, 2022

Road Trip and New Brewery

 Rockwall, TX

Siren Rock Brewing in Rockwall, TX

Longview, TX to McKinney, TX

This morning we got up and went for another nice walk along the creek in back of the Longview Airbnb.  When we got back Erika nd Sharon were just about ready to return to the show for the 2nd day.  We felt Francis was going to be disruptive to the rabbits and Guinea pigs so we decided to just do the drive home in the morning.  We had breakfast and coffee and then set out.  We had a few stops we were planning on making along the way.

I took one photo on our walk

We headed back to McKinney on US 80 and then US 69 so that we could pick up different counties and see new sights.  The drive was really easy.  Both highways were 4 lanes and pretty empty.  Somewhere between Alba and Emory TX we saw a roadside stand selling stuff.  We passed it up and then a few miles down the road we decided to turn around and check it out.  We made a rule a while back that we would always turn around during a road trip if we thought about it.  Too many times you say to yourself, "well we already passed it" and just keep going.  So I quoted the rule and turned around even though it was like 5 miles back.  When we got there I looked at 100s of picked items and jams while Donna picked out some local honey, Anasazi Beans, and some Okra.  I picked the hot sweet pickles.  Sadly I didn't take any photos at the stand but we did have a nice conversation about where we were coming from and where we were going to with the proprietor at the stand. 

Our haul from Pickett's Produce

After our stop we passed through Emory, TX and then cut south to pass through Rockwall, TX again and go to Siren Rock Brewing.  We had passed it on the way out and it looked like a nice place to stop. It was a great place to stop and try a few beers.  I found a few I wanted to take home with us too so we bought a mixed 6 pack and a bottle of Barleywine (one of my favorite styles of beer).  

The place had a Napa Winery vibe and they even mentioned that as their inspiration

I really liked their branding and the place was really comfortable

The to go beers

I took this shortly before the place packed out

Their beers were very good.  I had a few sips of each because I was doing the driving.

They appeared to be set up to brew a lot of beer

I had written them the day before because their site said they were dog friendly and I asked if dogs were only allowed outside and they responded and let us know dogs are allowed everywhere.  Good news for Francis!

When we got home I split the Barleywine we bought with Donna.  It was 15+%.  If you go tell them Large Marge sent you.

 As for county counting, this was our last planned long trip in Texas.  We have a few more counties to pick up during a few adventures and a lot of time left here.  We may end up squeezing in a multi county trip but we might not too.  We will see.  This is where we stand as of today county wise.  We are 471/3143 total counties and 11.8% done with Texas with 30/254.  

So many counties!

We have completed a path across the entire width of Texas.

If you didn't see the post with all of the photos of bunnies yesterday check it out here.

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