Friday, April 22, 2022

Looking Back - 4/16/2022 Portola Redwoods SP CA to Cerro Alto Campground CA

Cerro Alto Campground, CA

Road Trip Portola Redwoods State Park CA to Cerro Alto Campground CA

Wet but determined to have fun

We woke up to wet conditions at Portola Redwoods.  It had rained all night and everting was wet except our bins so that was a win!  The time we had spent drying out the Gazelle Gazebo was for not.  Thankfully we are heading to a dryer place.

I made coffee while Donna sorted the bedding in the van.  The goal was to drink coffee, pack up, and get out and that is just what we did.

The morning coffee

Our bin situation was great

It looks less wet than it was

Our drive started out again on the twisty narrow road heading out of the park.  We met some maniac going like 40mpg coming at us and luckily we were in a place that was just 2 cars wide.  He just barely squeezed by us probably not thinking about what would have happened if we had met where the road was narrow, just before a turn.  I thought about that for a long while.  It could have put a damper on our trip and I am not sure how you would prove that you weren't in the wrong or that it wasn't equal fault.  

Once we hit civilization, we got gas and made our way to a Safeway to get some staples and 2 doughnuts because we deserved a doughnut.  

Today's Drive
We didn't need to rush the drive because we weren't doing a long day so Donna looked for another place to stop and pick up beer.  We chose Promised Land Brewing in Old Town Gilroy (the garlic place).

The Entrance

Brewing onsite

A cool mural in the brewing room

We cut in at Atascadero CA and headed to the Cerro Alto Campground in Los Padres National Forest.  We drove in and found our campsite #8.  I mention this because it's the best site there.  It's off by itself and the parking pad is level and there is a giant Oak Tree providing shade.

See!  Nice hu?
After setting up we walked the campsite loop and confirmed that our site was THE BEST.  The loop at the end had groups packed in with little privacy.  My extensive research contributed to the good choice and there was probably some luck involved too.  There are a few tools you can use to look at sites before getting there but not all sites are documented well.  

On our walk we saw a lot of birds, an alligator lizard, and an endemic (only seen in this small area) California Newt.

I got better...

This guy was about a foot long with their tail

The rest of the day consisted of having Happy Hour, prepping dinner, sitting in camp chairs watching birds, and going to bed.  It was pretty perfect.  

This is our amazing back yard for the next 2 days

Trying out a beer we picked up

Francis enjoying the dry warm weather

It really is the best site

How we all fit in The Van

It's a great site.  I am glad we are here for 2 days.  It will be nice to relax in the warm central California sun.

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