Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Darts, $2 Hot Dog & Beer, and Neon

 Las Vegas, NV

A great photo of Donna courtesy of Brenton

I Want To Play Darts

This morning we all (Gordon, Brenton, Donna, and I) got up and got ready for something but we didn't know what.  We discussed what to do and Gordon said he wanted to play darts.  We had played darts together in Florida last year and it was a lot of fun so we all searched for darts downtown and we found that The Gold Spike has, what they call, Cosmic Darts.  We decided to take a chance and headed to Gold Spike to play Cosmic Darts.

At first it just looks like Cosmic Bowling, Bowling but with black lights

But it's way more than that.  You choose a theme on a tablet and that determines the rules of the game and the entire board and area change look.  This one was basically 301 and the bricks behind the dartboard fell down as you approached your target 301 score.

At the end of the game it gives you the results with a cool animation.

Even the dartboard changes when the theme of the game and the rules change.  Each game has a tutorial so it makes it easy.

Also the scoring is automated.

Looks like a normal dartboard right?

Nope!  The dartboard is grey and everything is projected onto it.  I blocked the projection with my hand to show this off.  The darts are real darts and not plastic tipped.

Brenton had fun with the projection mapping on his hat.

It was really fantastic.  It all just worked, mostly.  Sometimes a dart wouldn't register so you had to jab it into the dartboard quickly to get it to score but this didn't happen often.  It was by far the most fun I have had in Vegas for $10 an hour for 4 people.

Cheap Lunch

After 3 hours of darts (yes it was that fun) we headed over to The Downtown Grand.  We wanted to check out another casino and maybe do a bit of gaming.

The Downtown Grand had a little water issue.

Brenton bought us a round of Hot Dogs and tiny cute beers

Cheers to tiny beers!

Some of us played some craps and some of us got a craps tutorial from Gordon.

Some of us won a good bit of money on a lucky hard 10.

None of us bought cigarettes

The Neon Museum

Laster that evening we had tickets for The Neon Museum.  I have been wanting to go for quite a while and our NARM pass didn't let us down.  

The Neon Boneyard was very cool.  Make sure, for reasons, you visit at night.  

That's it for today.  If you missed, A Day of Fancy Costumes, check it out.

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