Saturday, February 3, 2024

An Evening to Remember

 Las Vegas, NV

I had dinner with The Bellagio Fountain

Fancy Dinner and a Show

Yesterday our friends flew in from Orange County and joined us for a few days.  We have a 3 bedroom place so we have plenty of room to host friends.  Brenton and Gordon arrived around 5pm so I went to Harry Reid and picked them up while Donna prepared a happy hour for us all.  We have met up with Brenton and Gordon in Los Angeles and Orlando and we have met up with Gordon in Kansas City.  Gordon takes the prize for meeting up with us the most on our travels so far through planning as well as happy accidents (we didn't plan Kansas City, he just happened to be there while we were there.

Happy Hour kicked off with "99 Cent" shrimp cocktails and plenty of water.

Soon we were on our way to The Bellagio for our adventures.

Gordon booked us all dinner at The Mayfair Supper Club.

The bar is beautiful!  Unfortunately it was reserved for a private party.

We were seated right next to the lake that The Bellagio Fountain is on.

The view from this side is very different.  Also that CVS sign needs to go away!

My cocktail was delicious and the clear ice was perfect.  I am a sucker for clear ice.

Brenton offered to take a photo with us while the fountain was fountaining.

I was feeling extra fancy so I ordered Truffle Fries as my side.

Donna's steak was delicious

Brenton has his dessert wine but is excited to see our shared dessert.

What could it be?

As the smoke cleared, our dessert was revealed!

A cigar in an ashtray.  Actually a chocolate cigar on a bed of fruit and chocolate panna cotta.  

Donna had to take a photo op with the chocolate cigar.

During dinner there was a show going on pretty much the whole time.

After dinner we walked The Bellagio for a bit and looked at the Conservatory and then headed to our next stop, The "O" Theater.  We were seeing "O" by Cirque Du Soleil.  Donna and I have seen the show once before probably right around when it opened in 1998.  

We have seen Chihuly Glass just about everywhere we have been but this is the old school Chihuly Art Blossom Lobby 

The lobby at The "O" Theater is filled with original artwork based on the show.

There was no photography allowed once the show started so I snapped this just before.

At the end there was a photo op so I got this, not that great, photo.

Both Donna and I had forgotten just how great the show is.  It's really fantastic and doesn't seem at all like a show that has been going for 20+ years.  

That's it for today.  If you missed, More Pinball in a Furniture Store, check it out.  I played pinball, for free, in a furniture store.

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