Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Setting Up for a State Completion

 All Over Arizona

When you roll out of van, make coffee, and go look at birds...

Arizona Road Trip

For the past two days we have been road tripping Arizona.  We had about an 8 hour drive to complete all but 1 county so we stuck a night camping in the middle and made it a really nice 2 day drive.  We saw tons of great birds including Vermilion Flycatchers, Phainopeplas, a lone Crissal Thrasher, and Gambol's Quail to name a few.  The weather was pretty perfect for camping.  High of about 75 and low of about 45.  The drive was really pretty too so it was a win all around.

Our site was pretty awesome and we didn't have ALL of our stuff with us.

They even had a dog park

with a swing

The sky was beautiful just before sunset the first day.

Fire pits for The Insta!

Part of the beautiful drive

We saw a lot of cotton bales.

On the drive back we stopped by Barrio Brewing Co for lunch.  It's the oldest craft brewery in Arizona.

The beers were solid and it was Taco Tuesday.

One more tiny county on the border of Mexico left.  We will get this one when we do a day trip to Nogales MX next month.

Our travel mapping shows some good miles.  The lower loop on the right was this most recent road trip.

We also blew past Missouri in miles.  We will pass Montana and maybe Idaho before this leg of our trip is over.

That's it for today.  If you missed A Pinball Tournament in a Furniture Store, check it out.

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