Friday, December 1, 2023

The Best Botanic Garden in the Country? and a Tiki Bar

 Phoenix, AZ

A selfie with a succulent Christmas Tree!

Desert Botanical Garden

This morning we got up and had our coffee and then headed over to the Desert Botanical Garden on the outskirts of Phoenix.  We have been here once before and have wanted to come back ever since.  It's a fantastic Botanical Garden, maybe the best in the US.  If there is a better one I want to see it.  Apparently I didn't take many photos. I guess I was too into all the cool cactus and birds.  We will be back and I will take more photos.

Currently there is an awesome Fernando Botero tie in with some of his statues and a gallery with his paintings. I had never seen his paintings so this was very cool.  Sadly he passed just before the exhibit opened.

Dancers - Fernando Botero

Sunflowers - Fernando Botero
His homage to Vincent Van Gogh

Man with Guitar - Fernando Botero

I really enjoyed seeing the Botero paintings and learning more about him.  We have seen works by him during our travels but it was nice seeing a collection all together.

Captain's Cabin Tiki Bar

Later in the evening we met up with Sophie and Josh and went to Captain's Cabin, a tiki bar within Hula's Modern Tiki Bar.  We had some good drinks, some good laughs, and a great basket of French Fries.

We were 2nd in line.  It is a tiny space so we wanted to get there just before opening.

I had a Peppermint Mai-Tai to celebrate the holiday season

That's it for today.  If you missed Setting Up for a State Completion, check it out.

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