Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Becoming Locals in Chi-Town

 Chicago, IL

Me and The California Station on The Blue Line

Getting Our Chicago Passes

Today we bought 30 day transit passes and we bought a membership to The Art Institute of Chicago.  We got the transit pass so we would be incentivized to use it. It will take 15 days to break even so we thought it was a good purchase.  We bought the museum pass because there is so much to see and we wanted to see it at our leisure.  It will only take 2 trips to break even on the museum pass and we got a free tote bag that says we are members so we got that going for us.

Our transit pass and our museum pass!

New Brewery

The passes weren't the first thing we did but it was the most important.  We started the day exploring our Logan Square neighborhood.  Our first stop was Pilot Project Brewing just down the street from us.  Pilot Project is an incubator brewery.  Multiple brewers brew and sell their own beers within the brewery.  The beers were good, the space was cool, and we got delicious nachos for lunch.

I did have Donna's Pickle Beer.  It was better than you would expect.  I would call it very good.

My Pickle Beer

Pickle Beer Merchandise 

Donna's phone can't handle backlighting.  We did get her a new phone today and once it is set up we will see if the camera is better.

Donna's beer with the nachos behind it.

After the brewery we walked over to the L Station and bought our passes.  We are looking forward to riding ALL THE TRANSIT here in Chicago.

Transit to The Museum

After buying our passes we walked back to the Airbnb and checked on Francis and then went to Target to pick up Donna's new phone.  When we got back we headed over to California Station and took The Blue Line downtown to buy our museum pass.  We arrived at the museum at around 3 and they close at 5.  There was a special area for us to purchase our membership.  We got to bypass the surprisingly long line to buy regular tickets with only 2 hours left.  I guess a lot of people do this because the museum map has a, "Only have an hour, here is what to see" page.

After our pass purchase we tested it out and it worked.  The museum was crowded so we just kind of took our time and tried to see a few things.  On days the museum is open the first hour is reserved for members so we will be taking advantage of that.  There is also a member cafe with free coffee and other things that we will take advantage of.

On our walk to the station we saw some cool street art

It's the 75th Anniversary of the CTA so they have commemorative cars.  This one is from the 60s to 80s era.

Triptych Window from the Coonley Playhouse, Riverside, Illinois - Frank Lloyd Wright

Apartment Entrance Gate - Frank Lloyd Wright (we saw some of the same type of Frank Lloyd Wright displays in St. Louis)

 Window from the Church of All Souls Evanston, Illinois - Marion Mahony Griffin

Circular Ventilator Grille from the Francis Apartments, Chicago - Frank Lloyd Wright (A grille from the same apartment building was at the St. Louis Museum)

Paris Street, Rainy Day - Gustave Caillebotte

A Sunday On The Grande Jatte - Georges Seurat 
This painting was really pulling them in.  We will see it during the member hour.

The Cafe for regular visitors (aka non-members) was cool

It was just a quick trip to the museum.  It was really crowded and we were already tired from a long day.  We will back multiple times.

If you missed Back to Chicago, For A Month! check it out.

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