Thursday, May 18, 2023

A Museum, A Brewery, and More Pinball

 Cincinnati, OH

Getting my Spy Hunter on at Level One Arcade

Taft Museum of Art

Today we walked to The Taft Museum of Art.  We get in with our NARM pass and I love getting value from our passes.  

The Taft Museum of Art is in the oldest domestic wooden structure in Cincinnati.  The house was owned by a bunch of rich people but ended up in the hands of Charles Phelps Taft, the half brother of President Taft.  The house has since been turned into a museum showing off the treasures collected by the Taft family as well as some more contemporary art.

A Bright Light on the Dark Side of Town - Terence Hammonds  Terence Hammonds is a contemporary African American artist that started working at Rockwood Pottery.  He is currently working with Pottery and collages and is featured in multiple museums.

Hold Your Head When the Beat Drops - Terence Hammonds

Hippies - Terrence Hammonds

Tall Stacks (Keep Your Heart) - Terrence Hammonds

Robert Louis Stevenson - John Singer Sargent  This piece stood out to me from across the room and when I read the artist I understood why.

Europa and the Bull - Joseph Mallord William Turner

At the Piano -  James McNeil Whistler  When I saw this I said to myself, "Whistler!".  I wouldn't have mentioned this if I wasn't correct.

Boy With a Hoop - Matthijs Maris  Everybody loves a good hoop!

Portrait of a Man Rising from His Chair - Rembrandt Van Rijn  I saw this work from across the room and said to myself, "I know that artist".  It just stood out among the other pieces.

After the museum we headed downtown to go to a brewery and then we saw the image below.  Donna and I both commented that we had seen it at the museum.

Mural downtown

We were right!  The Cobbler's Apprentice -  Frank Duveneck

It was amazing how much the Ash pooped out of the picture!  In the mural the cigar was replaced with a baseball bat.

New Brewery!

After the museum we walked over to Moerlein Lager House.  It's right on the river on the Ohio side 

It was happy hour so we each had a beer and some wings for $5 each.  We played pretend Keno and lost a lot of pretend money.


I have been on a pinball kick.  I have been watching tutorials on YouTube and learning and seem to be getting worse.  I guess change is progress either way.

I'm thinking of buying this shirt

Or this one

I got some balls very stuck on Foo Fighters. 

That is it for today.  If you missed The Theme Park of Food check it out.  We went to a giant International Food Market.

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