Friday, February 3, 2023

Ice Storm, Power is Out

 Austin, TX

Icy downed trees everywhere

Forgot to Knock On Wood

I posted yesterday that the power was out for 1/4 of Austin but not for us.  Right after posting that the power went out for about 20 hours.  We did our best to stay warm and occupied during this outage.  We were getting hungry around dinner time and looking for something to do so we called around and found that South Congress had power and many of the cool dinner places were open so we walked over.  We ended up at Hopdoddy Burgers for happy hour.  We each ordered burgers and I had a $5 happy hour schooner of beer.  It was a nice distraction from the power outage.  After burgers we walked home and prepped for darkness.  It got dark around 7 so we went to bed and woke up to power!  It came on just before I got out of bed.

When you travel with your cold weather camping gear you are prepared for a cold apartment.

I played Animal Crossing while waiting for it to get dark and took a few screenshots for fun.  Rizzo visited just to poop in my bidet. 

That's it for today.  If you missed yesterday's post you can find it here.  We are seeing better weather for the weekend so that will be nice.

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