Thursday, February 2, 2023

Freezing Rain and Ice in Austin

 Austin, TX

We aren't in the Dallas 107 degree summer anymore

The Two Extremes of Texas

In July we were in the greater Dallas area and it was 107 every day (well not every day but pretty much every day).  It shut us down and kept us in.  Now we are in Austin and experiencing Freezing Rain.  All of the roads are icy, the bridges are causing accidents, and trees are freezing and falling.  We lost power last night as we slept but it was back on by the time we woke up.  The news said 1/4 of Austin is without power.  It's not what we were hoping for but it appears to be warming up after today.  Here's hoping.  I was wrong once before in my last post.

Ah, the ignorance of youth!

That's it for today.  Hopefully I will have more to write about soon.  If you missed my last post that I referenced above you can find it here.

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