Friday, December 2, 2022

The Tallest United States State Capitol Building in the World!

 Baton Rouge, LA

Donna signs in at the capitol building.

A Capitol Skyscraper

Today we made our way to the Louisiana State Capitol Building.  It's 450ft tall and the tallest skyscraper in Baton Rouge and the seventh tallest building in Louisiana.  It's the 13th building used as the capitol.  It was built in 1931 and spearheaded by Huey P. Long, the highly influential and arguably corrupt Louisiana politician I talk about here.  He was gunned down in his own building at the age of 42.  

Cool Art Deco Pelicans are placed around the building outside.

They were still in the middle of their decorating for Christmas

The Senate Chambers

We stood on or near the spot that Huey P. Long was shot.

It's very popular.  You have to take different elevators to the top.

Cool doorknobs that appear to be cared for poorly.

The views from the top were amazing

The Mighty Mississippi River with the Huey P. Long bridge crossing it in the distance

A riverboat casino

A cool but weird out of place mural at the top of the tower

Donna pointed out this odd George Washington faced cherub.  

The House Chambers

The brass work on the way out had birds

It was a cool visit but not one of our top 5 capitol buildings.  There wasn't a whole lot to see and not much history.  I guess that is the job of the old capitol building here.  

That's it for today.  If you didn't read the last post you can see it here.

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