Monday, November 28, 2022

Bluebonnet Swamp

 Baton Rouge, LA

Another day, another boardwalk to walk along.

Bluebonnet Swamp Nature Center

Today we drove to the Bluebonnet Swamp Nature Center.  We wanted to see mushrooms that might have sprung up since the rain yesterday as well as birds so we spent our time looking down and up as we walked.  BSNC has a network of trails and boardwalks leading from the Nature Center.  The Nature center has some nice displays as well as some enclosures with snakes and other wildlife from Louisiana and beyond.
There were many snakes and turtles being looked after here.

They had a wall of insects you might see in the area.  They were only slightly larger than real life.

They also sold this hat that didn't appeal to me at all.

We found some Common Script Lichen.  We were looking for Christmas Lichen but didn't find any.

The swamp had some great Bald Cypress growing.

We found some Turkey Tail or False Turkey Tail fungus

We also saw Crowded Parchment 

And Wood ear fungus

The Resurrection Fern as in full resurrection after the rain.

Here is another example of Wood ear.  

I was messing around in Google Photos and found a heatmap of the photos I have stored in it.  It closely resembles our County Map.

Here is our County Map as it stands today.  We are 696 Counties now (including parishes).

That's it for today.  Also posts might not come daily anymore.  We are taking our time to relax in Baton Rouge and I am also playing a lot of Animal Crossing.  I will post interesting things when they happen and I am sure things will get really interesting when we get to NOLA on December 5th.

If you missed my previous post you can find it here.  We learned how Tabasco is made.

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