Sunday, December 4, 2022

Birding with Birders

 Baton Rouge, LA

Birders are the same everywhere it seems

We Used The Alarm Clock Today

This morning we got up at 6am.  We had to use the alarm clock we brought along (yea we could just use phones but shut up about the phones!) to wake us up.  We don't use the alarm often but when we do it reminds us of how nice it is to just wake up when you want to wake up.  We arrived at Bluebonnet Swamp at 7am just in time for the walk.  We saw the tell tale sign of birders, older people milling around with cameras, binoculars. and scopes.  It was a great group of friendly people.  They saw our Washington plates as we drove in so we got a lot of, "long drive for a bird walk" comments.  We got to share our adventures and goals and future plans with perfect strangers and it was nice.  Some of the birders on the walk were very knowledgeable about other things like trees, fungi, and insects so we learned a lot.  It was a really fun walk and I hope we can find more during our future stays.

The lichen with the red outline is Christmas Lichen

These tiny mushrooms were incredibly beautiful.  Trooping Crumble Caps

This is a gall midge on the back of a cypress leaf.

Who will watch the watchers?

Some species of Oyster Mushroom.  These were giant

It was foggy and the birds were fast so I didn't get any photos of birds.  We did get good views of a Barred Owl but I was so caught up in staring at it that I forgot to try to snap a photo.  

Tomorrow we pack and then on Monday we do a drive to NOLA.  We are looking forward to the next stop.

If you missed the last post you can find it here.

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