Monday, September 26, 2022

Street Art in Pig Town

 Baltimore, MD

It's Fall so we had to plug in Francis's heated bed.

A Day Off

Today we took the day off, well I did.  I am not feeling 100% (spoiler, it's now tomorrow and I am feeling much better) so I sat on the couch while Donna made some great dishes with the food we bought yesterday.  I did take the opportunity to go for a walk to get some fresh air and take a photo of the Edgar Allen Poe mural we saw while driving in on the first day.  It's about a half a mile up the road we are staying on in an industrial warehouse area.  

Very Cool!  I didn't realize it is only a part of a bigger mural.

The bigger mural had cool details too

In addition to the cool tags.  I stared and tried to read them so I could give some credit but I just can't turn the cool shapes into actual letters.

When I first saw the mural I thought I would do a whole Poe post by visiting the mural, going to the grave, and then hitting up the Poe House Museum in a single day.  I took the opportunity to walk around and look at many murals while I was there and there were quite a few cool ones.  

There were a lot of Pig images for Pigtown I guess

The Tool Bank building looked to have quite a few commissioned murals and they weren't painted over which was nice.

I found an old cobblestone street (they are everywhere here) and disused tracks.

The Bmore Toolbank has a bunch of tools you can rent or you can become a member.  It also looks like it acts as storm management.

The rest of the day I rested up and we watched shows off of Peacock.  We don't have a subscription to them at the moment but you can watch the first episodes for free.  We are making a list of series we want to watch and then at some point we will get a sub and binge them.  We found a few series we want to watch already.  

That's it for today.  It was a day of rest and we even got a little thunderstorm for about a half an hour.  If you missed yesterday's post you can find it here.

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