Sunday, September 25, 2022

We Found the Hipster Area of Baltimore

 Baltimore, MD

New yarn for a new project!

Pep Boys, The Final Chapter

Late in the afternoon yesterday we were told The Van was ready so we told them we would pick it up in the morning.  We were too busy doing cool stuff to take another trip to Pep Boys in the same day.  If you missed Yesterday's failed attempt you can read about it in great detail here.  We did the normal drink coffee and read the paper before heading out.  Donna read about Motzi Bread and so we decided to go there after picking up the van.  It was kind of between Pep Boys and us.  They closed at 2pm in our experience, good bread shops sell out so we hopped to it.  For this bus trip we downloaded the app that allows you to have digital bus tickets that also act as transfers.  Yesterday we paid $2 each for each trip.  We arrived at the bus stop and as the bus pulled up, we pulled out our phones to activate the ticket.  The driver took this as us not wanting the bus and kept going.  It was a bummer but totally understandable.  They assumed that we were tourists waiting for a Charm City line.  Thankfully the busses are fairly frequent here.  The next one was in 15 minutes.  When the next bus came we learned from our mistake and waved our arms at it as it approached and were on our way.

The electronic ticket is cool.  The trains animate in front of the city so the driver knows it isn't a screenshot.  I guess you could make a gif...

When we got to Pep Boys the same worker was there and said, "We test drove it this time!"  He handed us the keys and we were in our fixed up van.  For a few miles we listened to make sure all seemed well and it did.

Motzi Bread

Motzi Bread appears to be in a house in a neighborhood.  The owners live above the shop.  When we arrived there was a perfect street parking spot waiting for us so we happily took it.  We went in and bought 2 loaves and a few things for breakfast.  The workers were really nice and the bread was fantastic.

This was the only photo I took.  I was too busy smelling and looking at bread.

Hampden Neighborhood

Our next stop was Lovelyarns (took me a minute to see it, Lovely Yarns with one Y).  It is located in the Hampden Neighborhood which touts to be more hipster than Portland.  It was on my list of places to walk around anyways so it worked out great.  We found a metered parking spot with 45 minutes on the meter so we were set!  

The yarn store was next to a skate shop

Donna choosing yarn for her next project

After the yarn store we walked the street and looked at the shops

Hipster bike, Check!

Coffee, Tacos, and Waffles together at last!

I was looking for a cool Baltimore T-Shirt.  I didn't find what I wanted but we did find a brewery

We ended up looking in a few shops for a T-Shirt for me.  I want one that says Baltimore or Charm City and that isn't black or white.  The skate shop had a really cool green shirt but it wasn't in my size.  Oh well, we have 3 more weeks to find something good.

After checking out Hampden we drove to a thrift sore and then a grocery store.  We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening hanging out at the Airbnb.  

If you missed yesterday's car getting adventure you can see it here.

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