Thursday, June 2, 2022

A Bus, A Baseball Game, and A Beer

 Denver, Co

Taking the 0 or O downtown (I looked it up, it's The 0)

We're Talking Baseball

Today we took RTD (Regional Transit District) to Coors Field to see a Colorado Rockies Day Game.  We got our tickets off of StubHub again.  I did the research and found the best priced tickets that would be in the shade and it worked out great!  The stadium is in the middle of all of the downtown action unlike Dodger Stadium.  We walked around and took in the sights.  We also got a $1 hot dog coupon each.  It was the special event for the game.  There also seemed to be giant gangs of YMCA kids there.  They were enthusiastic and that was fine because they were 4 sections over from us. 

The RTD Upholstery 

I think we were also welcome even though we can't call ourselves Rockies Fans, I guess we are for the month

More people walked or took transit than in LA.

These aren't our seats :)

Walking the halls

There it is!  The Mile High Marker

Bathroom and Severe Weather Shelter (for Tornados)

You can take your Tornadough and Funnel Cake into the severe weather shelter

These are our seats, we were about 5 rows in front of the "Mile High Marker" 

You can kind of see rows of seats near the top that are purple instead of green, that is the mile high marker.

I got us our dollar hot dogs.  They asked that I use a credit card so it might have been the smallest credit card purchase I have done for $2.16

The game yesterday got rained out so that made today a double header.  I like baseball stadiums but I have my limit.  We did not stay for the 2nd game.  Instead we headed to our third checklist item of the day.

German Beer

We walked through the downtown area and out the backside into the industrial area near a train yard.  We found Bierstadt Lagerhaus.  It's a really cool place in an old warehouse.  Their German Style beers are exceptional.  We also got a snack to go with our beer.

The Entrance

Over The Line!  Mark it Zero!

They had a big cool banner on the steps to the upper level

I got the Slow Pour Pils.  They warned me it would take 5 minutes.  I was prepared to wait.

I love how breweries tend to celebrate all things including other breweries in the area

I didn't buy this hat but I did take a photo of it.

After our snack and beer we took a different bus home.  We made some dinner and finished watching Ted Lasso.  We are really enjoying our Denver adventure and look forward to continued exploration of the area and catching up with friends that live here.

Yesterday we went to a new brewery and played pinball.  Read all about it here.

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