Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Pinball, A Beer, and The Dead

Denver, CO

The So Many Roads Brewery Bar

 Errand First

This morning we got up and made coffee like every other day.  We sat in the breakfast nook and talked about what we should do today.  We are far less booked than we were in Los Angeles by design.  We do have a list of things that we would like to try to do as well as our paper checklist, but we currently only have 9 of our 30 days planned out.  

We decided we would head to Safeway to pick up a few meals and get our MyRide RTD Transit Cards.  This all went relatively smoothly.  The person at Customer Service in Safeway knew less about their transit passes on offer than I did so there was some communication issues that had to be resolved.

We headed back to our home base with groceries and passes in hand and then figured out what we were going to do today.

So Many Roads Brewery

We decided to hit a paper checklist item, So Many Roads Brewery & Museum.  When I picked it I was only paying attention to the fact that it was a brewery within walking distance of our home base and they had a great pinball selection.  I am not a Grateful Dead fan so I didn't recognize that the name of the Brewery is also the name of a Grateful Dead Album Box Set.  They have live music for around $10 every night and most of the bands are inspired by The Grateful Dead.  We listened to a few while we drank our coffee and decided we would check out the space and if it seemed appealing, we would check out a show one night when we are free.

The MyRide Transit Pass we will use to ride public transit here

Francis enjoying the sun that comes in through our lovely windows

I had my worries when I saw the proactive Customer Service Sign at Safeway

The walk to So Many Roads took us to Broadway which is the hub of activity in our neighborhood.  We saw many places we wanted to stop and check out but decided if we stopped at them all, we would never make it to our goal.  

The Brewery and music venue space at So Many Roads is HUGE!  The public area takes up an entire warehouse.  It was early in the afternoon so we were the only ones there, which is nice for exploration.  We each grabbed a beer and walked around a bit and then found some pinball machines we wanted to play.

The Entrance to So Many Roads

Some outdoor seating area attached to the brewery

Cool Train Art

The Stage, when we got there we got to listen to a guy set up the organ and he played a bit

They had a lot of art and Music memorabilia 

They had a giant game room in addition to their pinball room

A cool place to just hang

Their sticker

Donna racking up points on Ghost Busters

A Grateful Dead Chair

Our beer on a cool looking stool

The very new Godzilla machine which is also very cool

Another view of the train art

Me jamming on a Star Trek machine

Art in front of the stage

The art that the sticker was based on

We stopped by a bowling alley on the walk home to check it out for the future and I found pinball machines.

On our walk home we got rained on.  When we got home we made dinner and continued watching Ted Lasso Season 2 and rested up for our next adventure.

Yesterday was Memorial Day and we were invited to a BBQ.  Check it out here because there is a very cute photo of Francis.

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