Friday, May 13, 2022

I'm On A Swan!

 Los Angeles, CA

All ahead full!

Echo Park Lake

Today we went to Echo Park and rented a Swan Boat.  It's something we have thought about doing our whole time here.  Our friend Dana came to visit for the afternoon so we decided that this would be our day (or at least hour) on the lake.  We walked to Echo Park and Donna showed the attendant our reservation.  We were handed Life Vests, asked to sign a safety waver, and then shown to our Swan.  They have 2 sizes of Swan Boat, One for up to 5 people, and one for two adults and 2 children.  We were put in a 5 person Swan.  Once we were all set we shoved off for a 1 hour tour of Echo Park Lake.

We were prepared with our paperwork

I wanted to take a final photo just in case we ended up on Gilligan's Island

Getting the shove from the attendant to get us going

Donna put her legs to work and we were off!

I sat in back and took photos

Then we switched and I felt how much effort it took.

We avoided the fountain.  We hear the water isn't entirely clean or safe.

Donna still has her docking skills leftover from Disneyland

It was 11am on a Thursday so there wasn't much water traffic.  We were able to navigate around all of the other swans.  We did drive by on a Friday night when they light the boats up and it appeared that almost all of the boats were out on the water so it is pretty popular.

Lunch in Korea Town

Donna wanted to go to one of the restaurants we read about in Korea Town.  Dana was up for the adventure and even offered to drive.  We found parking easily.  Chunju Han-il Kwan was nestled in a strip mall with about 7 other restaurants that looked equally as good.  We headed in and were greeted with smiles and waves and shown our seats.  It wasn't very crowded because it was around 1:30 when we arrived.  Lunch was fantastic!  It was exactly what we wanted.

The entrance 

This place was pretty old school.

Donna and Dana were talking about something that required Donna to make this hand gesture

They brought us tea while we decided what to order

Our awesome banchan spread 

Donna got the rice cake and dumpling soup

I got the spicy BBQ Pork

We had great food and conversation.  We did some catching up the first time we hung out here, but today gave us more time which was great.  

After lunch Dana gave us a ride back to our Airbnb and then headed home.  We still have a few more adventures here but we are quickly running out of days in LA.  That's okay because new scenery, new adventures, and a whole new set of friends are waiting for us at our next stop in Denver.  This time next week we will be in Flagstaff AZ on our way to The Grand Canyon.  Stay tuned!

Yesterday we went to The Getty Museum and it was very cool.  Check out the photos here.

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