Monday, April 25, 2022

Cancelled Plans Don't Cancel The Day

 Los Angeles, CA 

Spoiler Alert, we ended up at the beach

The Change

Yesterday (well really it was the day before yesterday because I write about yesterday today) we got a call from the friend that we were planning on hanging out with today and he was feeling under the weather.  We were supposed to go to The Academy Museum.  He sent us the tickets and said to go without him and that we would meet up later in our stay.  That didn't sound very fun because we wanted to go with him so I looked into it and you can change the dates of your tickets (in the Covid time you have to pre-arrange some of the things you plan on doing because Museums and places are limiting the number of people that can attend each day).  He got back to me and said the tickets were successfully changed for a future date to be blogged about later so we had a free day!

The Pivot

We spent the morning catching up on some life stuff, going over future plans, blogging, reading two newspapers (The LA Times and The Seattle Times), and Donna contacted one of her college friends, Dana.  They had talked about getting together but never made solid plans.  It ended up that today was the day to meet up.  We would meet for lunch at The Redondo Beach Brewing Co.  Donna kept me informed of the plan while she was texting Dana so I looked up the brewery to research which beer I should have.  Turns out it is more of a tap house than a brewery.  They have a bunch of different beers on tap that they don't brew themselves.  Cool!  I saw some good beers and I decided what to eat while in my lounging attire (the future really is fantastic, you can go to places and see things before you ever go there).

Doing the thing

Today was the first day we had to use our car since getting here.  Getting it out of its tight parking spot was easier than getting it in (you can read about that here).  We plotted a course to Redondo Beach and hit the road.  Both Donna and I don't ever recall being in Redondo Beach so this will be something new we never did when we lived in the area.  The drive took us from CA110 to Interstate 110.  I never realized that the freeway changed from a State Route to an Interstate.  We also noticed other road geekery stuff like the fact that some signs say Route 91 and other signs call it 91 Freeway.  I didn't take photos because I was driving but it is this kind of stuff that got me into Roadgeekery and noticing things like this.  We got to Redondo Beach and secured metered parking. There really isn't any free parking down there.  The Brewing Co didn't have a parking lot.  It is just what you expect when living here / visiting here.  

Lunch was great.  We caught up with our friend Dana and met her partner Fernando.  I had Dingo Magic by Modern Times Brewing.  It was a solid IPA.  Everything Modern Times does except for their growth plans.  I had Nachos for lunch which were great but I am regretting as I type this the next day.  Heartburn!  After lunch Fernando treated us to a coffee from HI-Fi Espresso.  We had a nice walk along the beach talking about surfing and volleyball as I got distracted by birds.  

I don't drink coffee much in the afternoon
but when I do it's great!

I didn't take many photos because I kind of got lost in the moment.  The weather was great, the coffee was great, and the company was great.

This is the only other photo I took. 
It's a Picasso and it will be priceless one day.

They had afternoon plans and we had some real world stuff to do (buy coffee and dog food) so we said our goodbyes and vowed to get together again before we move on to the next place (Denver).  

On the way home we stopped by Trader Joes and bought coffee.  This was our first trip to Trader Joes this year and I doubt we went last year.  It is a big change from going there every week at points in our lives.  After Trader Joes we swung by PetSmart and got Francis a bad of dog food.  When we got "home" I was able to easily get the car back in its tight space and we watch some of our free TV and had a slice of pie for dinner.  It ended up being a great day and we still have the day that we originally planned to look forward to!

Yesterday we got a wonderful tour of Downtown LA from a friend.  Learn all about it here.

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