Thursday, May 12, 2022

Gettin' Our Getty On

 Los Angeles, CA

Took us long enough to get here

Going to the Getty

Today we went to The Getty Museum.  We made reservations 2 weeks ago and have been looking forward to it.  It's a museum we have wanted to visit since it opened. When we made reservations we weren't aware that admission is free, you just have to pay for parking.  We looked into taking the bus there but 2+ hours each way didn't work for us.

From the moment you step out of the parking structure, The Getty impresses!  It's an amazing space and you should go.  

An automated peoplemover system takes you almost a mile to the top of the hill

3 cars

The 2 trains pass each other at the middle point.  I didn't read anywhere that they are counterbalanced and the lower station looks like it can support 2 trains at once.

I guess they couldn't get the train all the way to the top.  You still have to climb stairs

The life of a Southern California coat check attendant is a lonely and solitary existence

You can charge your phone in a little safe if you don't have a blog that needs photos

These phones come fully charged

The help desk in a giant atrium

This real book resembles so many fake books you see in movies and TV when they do research on religion

Sadly you can't have a beer in one of these glasses

"Why is that man with a chisel just staring at us?"

Me and this tiny box

I don't think he likes his hat

"What do you mean I'm not wearing a hat?"

We took a snack break and sat in the shade

There are so many places to stop and pose

We could have spent an entire day in the gardens and exploring the outdoor areas

I think this is a hedge maze for koi

We found another place to pose for a photo

Donna looking at bees in the garden

These flowers were really cool looking

So was this one

We took a selfie

These planters were really cool

I assume this is what Colin Kaepernick looked like in 1847

The artist that made this never intended to have it shown publicly.  

This one might have given me nightmares

A Camille Claudel sculpture

More Monet, more lilies

Starry Night (a different one) by Edward Munch (the same one that did The Scream)

This was my favorite painting of the day.  It's just a portion of Spring in The Alps by Giovanni Segantini

Van Gogh's Irises

Another Lautrec

I got to feed some of the wildlife

We found some comfy chairs

The head didn't even follow you as you walked by

A reminder that death is constantly watching.  Good thing this clock was Baroque-en.  He will never catch us!

Mirror selfie!

Donna exploring the museum

Mirror selfie

Now I always look for a good painting to insert Donna into

Mirror selfie

This bird image is actually a Micro Mosiac

I caught this when the sun was coming in the ceiling.  20 minutes later it was all in shade and not as cool looking

The building is amazing but overbuilt for the area.  They are going to have a hard time selling when the times comes.

Exit through the gift shop

After 4 hours we thought we were done but then we saw another wing we hadn't been in

It was dedicated to human anatomy

Another candid of Donna

This is Robert by Tavares Strachan, he works in Neon

Need an eye?

Everything about this place is awesome

We had a great day exploring The Getty.  We spent way more time there than we thought we would.  I will admit that my preference leans more heavily towards Modern Art but The Getty really impressed me.  It was such a comfortable place to explore.

Check out yesterday's post here.


  1. That guy was...erm...excited that you were feeding the wildlife.

    I love that you made it to the Getty. I love that place. I've only been once, and I absolutely did not spend enough time there.

    1. Yes there were a few people commenting on how free that guy was living.
