Saturday, April 23, 2022

Looking Back - 4/18/2022 Cerro Alto Campground CA to Los Angeles CA

Cerro Alto Campground, CA 

The Drive into LA for our Month Long Stay

Always try to open with a photo

Today we pack up and say goodbye to camping for a month.  We will be back to camping after LA, but for the next 30 days we will be in an LA Airbnb and I am looking forward to it.  We made coffee and had breakfast and then took our time packing up.  Check in time is 4pm and the drive is 3.5 hours so leaving at noon will give us plenty of time.  
It wasn't as warm as we would have liked

Cerro Alto will be in our rear view mirror soon

We ended up packing up earlier than we wanted because we are so darned efficient so we decided to really take our time.  We headed back up to US101 and made stops at a few rest stops and took time out for lunch.

Our route
The drive was easy and we didn't really hit any traffic until LA.  Even with trying to delay, we ended up 30 minutes early so we parked at Echo Park and waited.  Echo park has a big fence around it right now because they just recently cleared out a big homeless encampment and are trying to keep it clear.  We weren't sure how to get in so we just sat in the car and listened to public radio.

When our time was up we did the 5 minute drive to our Airbnb.  We checked in with the owner and carefully pulled the van into the tight spot that was provided.  Unpacking was fast because we were parked right outside the front door.  We spent an hour or so arranging things and trying to unpack the bins. I ran out of energy so I walked to El Pollo Loco (one of our guilty pleasures) and picked up chicken and brought it back.  Dinner was chicken and a beer.  

The Squeeze was on

Francis making himself at home

The guilty pleasure

The meal!

Me and my computer in our Airbnb

That's it for our looking back series until the next road trip!  Now back to your probably daily timely updates!

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