Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Going Out on a Monday Night (Because we are retired)

 Los Angeles, CA

Taking it easy

Francis can teach us all something about relaxing

Today we had two things planned. I had a call with friends to talk about our investment strategies and we have a comedy show tonight at 8pm (doors open at 7pm).  This leaves most of the day for lounging and paying attention to Francis.

The call went well and I was able to answer their questions about our strategy which, at a high level, can be found here.  It's a counter intuitive approach because there isn't a lot of effort.  In fact the more effort you put in the worse things tend to go historically.  My favorite quote about this type of investing is, "Don't just do something, Sit there!"  This is my kind of work!

The rest of the afternoon we did more planning, I tried to recover from my all day heartburn (stupid jalapenos, why do I love you so much!?), and Francis got three walks!

Francis likes to follow the sun

The sun moves up the couch in the morning so Francis does too

Francis loves his walks

There are many fruit trees in the neighborhood
we are staying in

We may have sampled some of the fruit

This is what happens to those impersonal
phrases that people hang on their wall. 
The sign says, "Where you go, I'll go".
I guess we have to follow this to the dump.

Hot Tub Comedy

We have tickets to Hot Tub Comedy hosted by Kurt Braunohler and Kristen Schaal.  They host a comedy show at The Virgil every Monday Night.  Tickets are a very reasonable $8.  I became of fan of Kurt from his Roustabout videos on Comedy Central.  He and a bunch of other comedians road jet skis from Chicago to New Orleans.  It has everything I like, Adventure, Comedy, fun facts about the Mississippi River, and Road Tripping (well river tripping at least).  He currently has a podcast called Bananas where he and a host and a guest go over crazy news stories. 

We caught the bus at 7pm and we were at the door by 7:25.  I was surprised to see how early people go there to get seats but we were able to get some barstools at the end of the bar near the stage but not in the "we will interact with you" area.  Sadly Kristen was off doing something very important, but this meant Kurt got to introduce all of the comedians and do small sets between each one.  It was fun to see him try out new stuff that doesn't quite work.  He was really honest about the process.  He would say something and the reaction he got would be less than he had expected so he would say, "well I am going to rewrite that one", or "that one needs a better finish:".  Here are the comics that performed;

Connett Croghan - He doesn't seem to have a great online presence but he was very funny
Caitlin Peluffo - We thought she was fantastic
Lili Michelle - She was really funny
Melissa VillaseƱor - She was the most polished of group and she appears to preform a lot.
Ahamed Weinberg - He was funny too
Wolves Of Glendale - I can't really find anything by them either.  They were a trio that sang funny songs

The Club at Sunset on Santa Monica Blvd.

It was pretty full when we got there.  I guess it isn't cool to wait
until the last minute anymore. 
Also we were age appropriate for the crowd.

The bar that serves $12 10oz-ish beers

My beer appears to be 10oz-ish

Kurty B, the host!  Sorry for the blown out photo. 
He is very white

The Wolves of Glendale preforming

After the show we exited the side of the theater and all of the comedians were out mingling with the audience.  It's a cool thing that happens at small shows like this.  We decided to try to take the bus home so we walked back to the stop.  The bus was what we call a Ghost Bus.  It never came so we took a Lyft home.  We had a great evening.  It was a cool LA thing that we felt right at home at.  AND!  We don't have to go to work in the morning.  :)

Read all about yesterday's adventure here.

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