Saturday, May 18, 2024

Tiki in Calgary!

 Calgary, AB

Prosperity Bar

Today we visited Prosperity Bar in Chinatown.  We pass by it every time we head into downtown Calgary and it looked like a cool Chinatown type bar we would see in San Francisco so Donna looked it up and it turns out it's a tropical bar / Tiki Bar.  It opened in February, after I did my Calgary research, so it wasn't on my radar.  It was a short walk over the Bow River.  We arrived at opening and there was already a group there.  

The décor isn't over the top tiki, but it's tiki enough for me.

My first drink had an awesome paper lantern garnish.  We talked to the bartender and he had seen something like it online for way too much money, so he decided to develop his own.  He said he had just perfected the design the other day.

We spotted a Smuggler's Cove cocktail book at the bar.  Our bartender said it was his personal copy.

We read the food was good so we ordered some.  This is the BLT Fried Rice.  It was fantastic. 

We also split a Philly Cheese Banh Mi.  It was also fantastic.

I was obsessed with the paper lantern so I took a few more photos.  It's such a good idea.

My 2nd drink was a daiquiri.  They have about 4 different daiquiris on their menu.  It was also fantastic.

That's it for today.  If you missed, IKEAda, check it out.  We went to an IKEA in Canada and got a Canadian experience.

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