Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Victoria So Far...

 Victoria, BC

Marker Zero Dude!

Today we walked about 1.7 miles (yes Canada uses miles, sometimes, see here for my rant on how inconsistent Canada is with measurements) to The Trans-Canada Highway Mile Marker Zero.  The Trans-Canada Highway aka T-Can or TCH starts in Victoria and goes across Canada through 9 of the 10 provinces and ends in St. John in Newfoundland and Retriever on the island of Newfoundland.  We will be driving a bit of this highway on our way to Calgary next month and we already drove it a bit in Manitoba during our Winnipeg stay.  

Our walk took us through Beacon Hill park.  Traveling with the seasons lets us see the "Cherry Blossom" (I'm not sure if these are Cherry Blossoms but they are pink and bloomy) blooms longer and in more places.

The Mile Marker 0 sign is there on the tip of the park with no crosswalk access.  Typical!

Where The T-Can and BC 17 meet.

What Else Have We Been Up To?

So things here are a bit less frenetic than Las Vegas and Portland and when I say a bit less I mean a lot less.  We are taking our time with seeing things in the area so we don't run out of things to do right away.  We do have our van so we can explore more of the island when we run out, so there is that.

Day 1

On the first day we took Francis for a walk in the area and took some photos.  This is The Centennial Fountain. 

Francis is getting used to the Metric smells.

Skateboarding is recognized as a mode of transportation here.

Donna and I split a doughnut at Frickin' Good Donuts.

We visited our first new brewery of the trip.

It's about a 3 minute walk to this place.  While we were there a gal gave us a flyer for a Bao popup happening about an hour later.

They have 1 pinball machine so I played.

We took Francis home and returned for the Bao popup to support the locals with our tourist dollars.

The Bao were delicious.  

Day 2

On day 2 we rode the bus out to Oak Harbor.  We did this on our last trip here and enjoyed it.  We revisited The Penny Farthing and had a beer and a lunch snack.  It was as good as we remembered.  After our snack we walked to Deadbeetz Burgers to play some pinball but it was closed on Mondays so we will return another day.

The Penny Farthing is just a normal British style pub but we like it because we have been there before.

This morning we were able to open up our new "Coffee Cream".  It's creamier than our half and half back in the states.  

Creamy 18% M.F.!

This is all I can think of when I see 18% M.F.

Oh and another fun fact, this is our 2nd Airbnb where we can see a draw bridge from our place.  Today The Johnson St. Bridge raised and we got to see it.  We could also see The Broadway Bridge from our Portland Airbnb and saw it raise a few times.

That's it for today.  If you missed, Portland -> Victoria BC, check it out.

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