Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Visiting a "Haunted Mansion" Themed Bar

 Portland, OR

Raven's Manor

Today we hit up Raven's Manor, a Haunted Mansion themed bar, for happy hour.  The theming is amazing and their cocktail program is fantastic.  They have regular cocktails, as well as cocktails that come with really cool presentations.  They even have a special ticket you can book where you enter a private laboratory and build your own concoctions.  We make our own cocktails at home so we decided to not have this experience, but people appear to love it.
On our walk there, we saw a California Sea Lion in the Willamette River.

We also saw the Cherry Blossoms still doing their thing.

The outside of Raven's Manor looks rundown with dead plants out front.  

We got there at opening so I got a photo of the bar before anyone was enjoying it.

They had real candles lit all over the bar which was a really nice touch.

They host suggested we explore The Manor so I did.  I took a lot of photos.

My first drink came with a smoke bubble.  It broke pretty much right away unlike the one we got in Vegas at Area 15.

My drink with no bubble.  It was delicious. 

Creep portraits are all over The Manor just like in the Haunted Mansion.

We got The Graveyard dip which was Artichoke Dip with Tombstone Garlic Bread.

We also split a delicious burger.

My 2nd cocktail came with fire!

And a beautiful glass.

My explorations took me downstairs.  It looked like some bad stuff had gone down.

The bathrooms were downstairs and that area amped up the creepiness' as well as the jump scares.  There were multiple things that caused jump scares throughout The Manor.  

Who doesn't love a Creepy Doll?  Why not two?

Someone took the time to write, "Red Rum" on the bathroom wall in BLOOD!

This is the entrance to the Private Elixir Experience.  The mail slot says "Take a Look, If You Dare".

I dared!

There was also an upstairs area with seating.

Is that a real coffin?  Anybody home?

A view of the bar from upstairs

Floating chairs 

Another shot of the cherry blossoms.

That's it for today and almost it for Portland.  I have a tournament to play in on Tuesday and then Wednesday is packing day.  If you missed, Back to Next Level Pinball Museum, check it out.

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