Saturday, March 2, 2024

The 2nd Oldest Tiki Bar in The US

 Portland, OR

Donna has her Alibi for the evening

The Alibi Tiki Lounge

Today we took the Yellow Line to The Alibi.  We have been here before but it has been a long time.  The Alibi opened in 1947 and has changes little since opening.  It isn't the premier tiki bar to visit in Portland but it is a comfortable place to have a drink and the food is some of the best food at a tiki bar that we have had.  Someone on Reddit said this, "There are better dive bars. There are better karaoke bars. There are better tiki bars. But there is no better dive-karaoke-tiki bar than the Alibi!"

The Black light Murals are raised so they have a great 3D look to them.

This area of the bar was closed mid day.  You can see the 2nd bar on the right and the karaoke stage in the back.

I got the Singapore Sling.

Donna's drink

They also have good beers on tap because Portland.

I ordered off the menu for my 2nd drink.  She made me a daiquiri with Doctor Bird Jamaica Rum.  It was fantastic.

Sometime in the last 75 years or so this hula girl lost her arm.

There is also a patio but it was a cold rainy day so I didn't check it out.

This is their current merch but they are getting new merch for their upcoming anniversary in July.

The Alibi is a great tiki bar to visit when you are in Portland.  If you want a nice quiet drink like us, visit mid day.  If you want a more lively visit with karaoke, go at night. Either way, I am sure you will have a good time.

That's it for today.  If you missed, Jaws Launch Party and Tournament, check it out.

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