Friday, March 1, 2024

Jaws Launch Party and Tournament

 Happy Valley, OR

Today we went to Lardo for lunch with Francis.  We had to sit on the patio and it was cold but the sandwich was great!

Jaws Launch Party

Tonight I did the 45 minute drive to Happy Valley, OR for a Stern Jaws Launch Party.  Jaws has been available for about a month in limited places but now it is starting to show up all over the place.  Sometimes places celebrate receiving their machine with a launch party.  The launch party consists of a tournament and usually giveaways.  Sometimes people dress up and there are usually other surprises so it's a pretty fun experience.

People arrived early to practice and pay up for the tournament which was $5.  They also had Jaws playing on loop which was fun.

You can see the Translight and the 1st place trophy as well as some coasters, stickers, one sheets for Jaws Pinball, and the 3-D glasses that can be used with Jaws.  There is a way to turn on some sort of 3-D feature which seems like a gimmick to me.

They also had Narragansett beer which is the beer Quint drinks in the movie.  I had to get one.

It was a fun tournament.  I could have played better but I finished just above the top 1/2.  My goal these days is 1/3rd.  I had some spots I could have played better but oh well.

I did get my Jaws Launch Party Badge which is cool.

I also got my best score on Jaws and won my round on the machine vs a very good player.

We are seeing a lot of cold rain here in Portland.  It's the first time it has really felt like winter for us this season.  Last winter we had some very cold days so it was nice to avoid that this season.  I am looking forward to spring.

That's it for today.  If you missed, Our Favorite Breakfast Place in Portland, check it out.

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