Thursday, October 26, 2023

Albuquerque Museum

 Albuquerque, NM

Fall Colors

A Visit to the Albuquerque Museum

Today we used our NARM pass to visit the Albuquerque Museum.  The museum has art as well as New Mexico history.  Their art collection is pretty solid and their current exhibit, O'Keeffe and Moore is really great.  Both O'Keeffe and Moore took inspiration from nature and bones.

Fun fact, we also get into the O'Keeffe Museum in Santa Fe for free but it appears that a lot of their paintings are on loan for this exhibit so we will probably skip it.

Bear with Clouds and Planes - Bob Haozous

Working Model for Oval and Points - Henry Moore

Spring - Georgia O'Keeffe

Reclining Figure - Henry Moore

Black Place I - Georgia O'Keeffe

Pedernal - Georgia O'Keeffe

From the River - Pale - Georgia O'Keeffe

They had a recreation of Moore's Studio

And a recreation of O'Keeffe's studio

unfinished Canvas - Georgia O'Keeffe
I thought this was a cool way to display an unfinished painting, in a replica of a studio.

In the Patio I - Georgia O'Keeffe

Mule's Skull with Pink Poinsettia - Georgia O'Keeffe

Mask with Golden Apple - Georgia O'Keeffe

Banana Flower No. II - Georgia O'Keeffe

Bird Basket - Henry Moore

Clam Shell - Georgia O'Keeffe

Autumn Leaves - Lake George NY - Georgia O'Keeffe

Red Hill and White Shell - Georgia O'Keeffe

Storm Cloud, Lake George - Georgia O'Keeffe

Corner Lamp - Larry Bell

Sacred and Pro Fame - Frederick Hammersley

Dialogue Yellow-blue - Oli Sihvonen

Corona - Richard Hogan

Luminum - Lilly Fenichel

Chavez Ravine V - Clinton Adams

Chima Altar III - Luis Tapia

Carlsbad Trilogy (one of) - Raymond Jonson


Self Portrait - Raymond Jonson
Raymond Jonson is one of the most influential figures in modern New Mexican art history.

Governor Tingley's License Plate 1939

The New Mexico History is broken up into a few wings including "Courageous" and "Spirited"

Donna took this shot of me posing in a replica of a Diner

The whole museum and building are really cool.  It's a great museum to be in.

I took a Georgia O'Keeffe inspired photo on the way out.

Later that evening I headed back to Sister to play some pinball and practice on some machines I am less familiar with.  

I got photos of 2 of the 3 current banks of machines.  They are all in great shape and play really well.

My focus was Lord of the Rings and Monster Bash but there was 1.5 free credits on Attack From Mars so I put in 50 cents and played the 2 games and earned 2 more.  I also have never played tales of the Arabian Nights so I played that a bit and kind of understand it. 

That's it for today.  If you missed New Mexico's State Cookie, check it out.

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