Tuesday, August 22, 2023

It's So Money

 Winnipeg, MB

That's the Mint behind us!

The Royal Canadian Mint

Today we toured The Royal Canadian Mint.  Usually when people put the word Royal in front of a phrase it means extra like Royal Pain In The Butt but not Canada.  The Royal Canadian Mint stamps coins with royalty on them for Canada and they have also helped over 80 countries mint coins including the good old USA.  It's a cool building and the tour was great, you should go.  I wasn't allowed to take photos of the actual minting going on so enjoy these photos I was allowed to take.

They have flags out front for all of the nations that they have pressed coins for.  There are 3 more going up soon.

It's a Loon!

The mint also made the Paralympic games medals.

This one is gold.

They sell all kinds of commemorative coins including coins for hockey and curling.

The Royal Scale

An old Royal Press and some footage in the background of the area I wasn't supposed to take photos of.

This is like a penny press machine except you put in 3 bucks and get a token pressed.  It was loud.

Donna found a Mounty Moose.


The original dies for the dollar coin (on the right) went missing on their way to the mint so they had to redesign the dollar coin and went with a Loon.  That's where the Loony came from.  The other one had a canoe so it could have been a canoey if things went differently.

A commemorative Twoney with a black ring to mourn the death of The Queen.

Each new monarch gets at least one coin and the direction of the face switches except one.  Edward VIII was king for a very short time before he left the throne to marry an American divorcee.  He wasn't king long enough to have a coin minted so the profiles didn't swap.

Groceries and a Yarn Store

After the mint we went to pick up groceries and visit a yarn store.  

Donna creeping on some row markers

We went to this great veggie and fruit stand.  We will be back.

We even forged some chanterelles.  

A puck of cheese

The Saskatoon pastries were great.

We also had to sample our maple syrup when we got home.  It was delicious.

That was it for today.  If you missed Food at The Forks, check it out.

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