Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Doughnuts, Dog Park, and a Pinball League

 Winnipeg, MB

Donna and Francis navigate the gates of the dog park.


Today we walked to one of the closest doughnut shops to us to pick up some fancy doughnuts.  You can tell they are fancy doughnuts because the shop doesn't open until 8am.  We arrived right at 8am and they were still getting set up so we stood outside with another eager doughnut patron.  When they opened he told us to go in because we were there first and we said we had to decide what to get so he ordered and gave us advice on what to choose. We ordered our Bronuts or Not a Bronut as it says on the receipt (they might be in the process of changing their name?) and headed back to the condo to get some milk.

This was across the street while we waited for them to open.

Cool doughnut art / sign on the wall


Dog Park

After eating some of our doughnuts we grabbed Francis and drove to the closest dog park.  Bonnycastle Dog Park is described online as being covered in "mini golf grass", dainty, quaint, and they mention that the fence isn't that tall so when the snow is high dogs can easily get over the fence.  We didn't have that problem today.  Snow isn't expected for another 1-2 months.

Mini Golf Grass

Donna has the high ground but Francis is quick.

I posted this photo on facebook and made a ska joke.

 The dog park was fun for Francis.  He met 3 dogs.  It wasn't very busy at lunchtime on a Tuesday.  

The Manitoba Pinball League

This evening I got my pinball fix by playing in the Manitoba Pinball League.  It's a league so they wait until the end of the year to pass out points and prizes so I was there just for the fun and competition.  People remembered me from 2 weeks ago and we had some good talks about pinball during league play.  

I got there early to practice and when I felt warmed up I grabbed a beer.

Between rounds I went outside to get away from the noise and get some fresh air and saw this caboose.

They had just installed their Stern Leaderboard Monitors and were trying to get the aspect ratio correct to show the high scores correctly.
There I am, #2 on Godzilla for the time being.

The league has their own banners and T-Shirts

After league play I was talking to the director to see if they had any Manitoba Pinball League T-Shirts available.  He went into the back room to check and came out with one.  He said it was ordered by someone 4 months ago and wanted to just give it to me but checked with another person and they said they might be able to order me my own.  I am waiting to hear how this whole journey ends.  I will be back on September 7th for my last tournament here and may or may not have a t-shirt to show for it.

That's it for today.  If you missed It's So Money, check it out.  We (the royal we) went to the Royal Canadian Mint so see how coins are made. 

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