Saturday, August 12, 2023

Day 2 of Folklorama - India

 Winnipeg, MB

Mmmmm Naan...

Folklorama India!

Today we headed to our 2nd Folklorama event to celebrate all things India.  We arrived and were happy to find that the food line was operating more smoothly than it did in Brazil so we got in line and split a plate of food.  This would be our 2nd dinner because we ate before we went just in case it was like Brazil.  We also each got a Labatt Blue Light because Canada and the event was held at a Curling Club.

We arrived before most people got there.  The 6:45 show was sold out so we were glad we got tickets early.

We split a vegetarian plate.  It was very good and my beer was very light.

Venders were set up along the outside walls.

The show had a lot of great dancing from different regions in India.

Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time.

The big finish was a Bollywood style dance but with fewer people.  

Nonsuch Brewing

Earlier in the day we went to our first brewery in Winnipeg.  It was less of a brewpub and more of a nice restaurant.  The beer was great and the décor was hip.  

I leveled up my Canadian Beer Badge.

They had packaged beer to go and cool glassware.  We ended up buying some beer to have on the rooftop area of our Airbnb that we have yet to explore.

There is probably good beer in those barrels.

That was it for today.  If you missed Day 1 of Folklorama - Brazil check it out.

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