Friday, July 21, 2023

Rice County Fair

 Faribault, MN

We came for the accordion which we thought would be accordions.

The Rice County Fair

Today we did an hour drive south to visit Rice County and see their fair.  We wanted to get there in time to see Accordions on 5th at 11am.  When we got there at 10:15ish there was a guy playing various polkas on his accordion so we walked around and looked at stuff with the intent on coming back for Accordions on 5th at 11am.  We saw some of the FFA stuff as well as some of the food stalls and returned just before 11am.  At 11am the show continued with one accordion player.  I guess he was Accordions on 5th.  Who's on first?  I don't know!  Third base!  Anyway it was fun listening to a better than average and yet obviously amateur accordion player.  He played polkas and interacted with the kids in audience.  He was a one man, two hour accordion show.  We didn't stay for the whole 11am hour because we had things to see and stuff on sticks to eat. 

It was a perfect day for a fair

The kids were playing a duck race game where you filled a trough with rubber ducks and then used a hand pump to pump water into the trough and move the ducks to the other side.  It appeared everyone was winning.

Baby chicks!

This calf was stealing the goat's feed and bedding at the same time.

Donna looked at a chicken catalog and decided which ones she would buy if we had a coop and weren't living out of a van.

I laughed while I learned!

All you can drink milk for $1.50!  This might be the most small county fair thing I have ever seen.  I could have tested that Gallon of Milk in an Hour thing.

Just the taste!

We tried to take a selfie in the teacup but it didn't read well

So I took one of just her in the teacup.

Accordions on 5th was still going strong!

You can tell this child didn't get any help from their parents or the internet for that matter.  They just went with the parts of The Bald Eagle that they knew like head, tail, body, and eye.  I'm not confident they know where the leg ends and the claws begin based on their pointers.

This kid found owl vomit and reconstructed the skeleton that was in it.  Nice work!  A+!

I learned way too much about what has soy beans in it and what doesn't

This Lasagna is great value even though it contains no soy beans.  

There's that all you can drink milk!  We didn't pull the trigger.  I would have really tried to get full value and might have gotten sick.

I went with a corn dog but didn't take a photo.

This cute little goat wagged their tail every time they took a nibble of food.

Everyone was hungry

I also learned how NOT to spell pigeon.

Usually when you lay an egg in a contest it's a bad thing but not today!

The Ring of Fire was looking cool with the clouds in the background.

I didn't count this Tiki Bar.

After my corn dog I had BBQed Pork "Nachos".  I guess the microwave was on the fritz.  They were still good but I didn't log them as nachos in my tracking document.

I have yet to attend a destruction derby.  One of these days...

After the fair we headed back up I35 towards Minneapolis.  It was 10 cent token day at Up Down so I walked there and loaded up on cheap tokens and then played some pinball.  

That was it for today.  If you missed Doughnuts, Cat Café, and Pinball, check it out unless you really want to see us enjoying that Cat Café' because it didn't end up working out this time.


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