Friday, July 14, 2023

Minnesota Yarn Store

 Minneapolis, MN

Another no selfie day so here is an insulting mug.

Cool Yarn Store

Today we ran some chores.  Our first stop was StevenBe Yarn Stop. The yarn shop is in an old firehouse.  It was one of the cooler yarn stores we have been to and the staff was VERY helpful.  Donna found what she was looking for and more while I found things to photograph.

They had yarn to knit a beany or toque and you could buy a matching puff ball for the top or sides if you are a rebel.  

StevenBe looks like he has it all figured out.

They had locks so that you could spin your own yarn

Or use on your felted dragon artwork

This fiber based art won the blue ribbon at the Minnesota State Fair.

After the yarn store we did a little drive to Target.  We picked up a few more highway segments and got some essential household items.  When we got back I headed over to Up Down Arcade to play some pinball.  We still had tokens left over from our 2 for 1 Saturday so I played those and bought some more because on Thursdays tokens are 10 cents each.  It's a great place to practice pinball.

Later that evening we enjoyed our Potato Sausage and a thunderstorm.

We stood on the patio and I tried to capture some lighting strikes.  This is the best I could do.

We are starting to fill in our highway map.

And we have a few of the surrounding counties.

That's it for today.  If you missed Tiki in Minnesota Don't You Know, check it out.  We visited a Tiki Bar in Minnesota.

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